Machinery-maniacs: 6 facts about the most deadly in the history of cars
The site offers a look at what cars are responsible for the highest mortality dorogah.1. Chevrolet Corvette Number of deaths: 5 10000 2 vehicles
As for the unfortunate deaths corvettes were a lot of conversations. And there is even one social research, which opens our eyes to this shocking deaths. Historically, that Chevy took first place in the ranking of deadly car. But there is an important addition to such ominous title: the wine does not lie on an engineering error. The thing is that the machine itself was pretty cheap, and looked at his time in style. Marketing company led to the fact that among the owners of the Chevrolet was a significant number of young people that only get right. That is, young men accounted for about 85% of all owners of this model, of course, many fall into the accident by inexperience.
2. Shelby Charger Number of deaths: 4, 5 per 10,000 vehicles
This forgotten by all 80 Dodge has its own character. Front-wheel drive, four-cylinder hatchback - by all the canons of broken cars. It made it was bad, but it had its own speed, because the speed in the 80 prized. The designer has added all sorts of newfangled pieces at the moment: the engine capacity of 109 kW, the charge air cooling system to the turbocharger, lowered springs, Koni shock absorbers in each corner, low-profile tires to improve management. In general, everything would be fine, but when all these improvements have come into force, the result was an increase in mortality by 50%.
3. GEO Tracker Number of deaths: 3 2 10000
There was a time when most fatal car in the US is a "tracker". Why take this garbage? Well, it was cheap and very cheerful podvypityh guys. In spite of the short wheelbase, the car was quite high. Manageability was, by the way, terrible.
4. The Golden Eagle Number of deaths: from 14 to 46
Car 1964 has a bad reputation. "Golden Eagle" was originally bought as a vehicle for the police in the state of Maine, and it is in that state began to gather around him are rumors, so-called urban legends. We began dying officers who drove this car, many of them commit suicide. Is it true? Who knows, but the bodies were corpses.
5. Ford B700, 1977 Number of deaths: 27
Here we will focus on the specific case. How is it remarkable? And the fact that the Ford is not nothing but a school bus with children. In 1988, this large object crashed into a church (the driver was drunk). Bus door jammed, and the fuel tank exploded, causing a fire. People were trapped inside the bus, and even next to the church. 27 people have not been able to get out and burned alive. "What is the guilt of the bus?" - You ask. We do not know, but the mother of two of the dead was considered logical to sue the company's products. And won.
6. Pierre Levegh, 1955. Mercedes 300 SLR Number of deaths: 83 formal, informal - 130
The car, which looks as if from the future, but in fact from the past, the company's Mercedes was a mistake. The combination of historically unfavorable circumstances and poorly thought-out engineering led to dozens of people dead.
Accident racing driver Pierre Levegh who flew on this machine into the crowd, became the largest catastrophe in the history of motorsport. In Switzerland, even after it was declared a ban on motor racing. A huge role in the accident played a high content of magnesium in the frame of the machine, resulting in a rapid fire in a white flame. Pieces of the car began to fly off into the audience. And these were the last pieces of fire that you saw many fans of motorsport.
via brodude.ru/6-samyx-smertonosnyx-mashin-vsex-vremyon/

As for the unfortunate deaths corvettes were a lot of conversations. And there is even one social research, which opens our eyes to this shocking deaths. Historically, that Chevy took first place in the ranking of deadly car. But there is an important addition to such ominous title: the wine does not lie on an engineering error. The thing is that the machine itself was pretty cheap, and looked at his time in style. Marketing company led to the fact that among the owners of the Chevrolet was a significant number of young people that only get right. That is, young men accounted for about 85% of all owners of this model, of course, many fall into the accident by inexperience.
2. Shelby Charger Number of deaths: 4, 5 per 10,000 vehicles

This forgotten by all 80 Dodge has its own character. Front-wheel drive, four-cylinder hatchback - by all the canons of broken cars. It made it was bad, but it had its own speed, because the speed in the 80 prized. The designer has added all sorts of newfangled pieces at the moment: the engine capacity of 109 kW, the charge air cooling system to the turbocharger, lowered springs, Koni shock absorbers in each corner, low-profile tires to improve management. In general, everything would be fine, but when all these improvements have come into force, the result was an increase in mortality by 50%.
3. GEO Tracker Number of deaths: 3 2 10000

There was a time when most fatal car in the US is a "tracker". Why take this garbage? Well, it was cheap and very cheerful podvypityh guys. In spite of the short wheelbase, the car was quite high. Manageability was, by the way, terrible.
4. The Golden Eagle Number of deaths: from 14 to 46

Car 1964 has a bad reputation. "Golden Eagle" was originally bought as a vehicle for the police in the state of Maine, and it is in that state began to gather around him are rumors, so-called urban legends. We began dying officers who drove this car, many of them commit suicide. Is it true? Who knows, but the bodies were corpses.
5. Ford B700, 1977 Number of deaths: 27

Here we will focus on the specific case. How is it remarkable? And the fact that the Ford is not nothing but a school bus with children. In 1988, this large object crashed into a church (the driver was drunk). Bus door jammed, and the fuel tank exploded, causing a fire. People were trapped inside the bus, and even next to the church. 27 people have not been able to get out and burned alive. "What is the guilt of the bus?" - You ask. We do not know, but the mother of two of the dead was considered logical to sue the company's products. And won.
6. Pierre Levegh, 1955. Mercedes 300 SLR Number of deaths: 83 formal, informal - 130

The car, which looks as if from the future, but in fact from the past, the company's Mercedes was a mistake. The combination of historically unfavorable circumstances and poorly thought-out engineering led to dozens of people dead.
Accident racing driver Pierre Levegh who flew on this machine into the crowd, became the largest catastrophe in the history of motorsport. In Switzerland, even after it was declared a ban on motor racing. A huge role in the accident played a high content of magnesium in the frame of the machine, resulting in a rapid fire in a white flame. Pieces of the car began to fly off into the audience. And these were the last pieces of fire that you saw many fans of motorsport.
via brodude.ru/6-samyx-smertonosnyx-mashin-vsex-vremyon/
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