7 fascinating facts about unusual place - "Eye of the Sahara"
Structure Richat really fascinates us: the mysterious geographical formation is visible even from outer space! The site presents the most interesting facts about the eye-Saharan Africa. < 1. For a long time, ever since the first space missions, structure Richat serve as a guide for astronauts in orbit, as well as among the vast expanse of unremarkable desert was our well-visible object.
2. Richat structure is not followed by the fall of an ancient meteor as many thought and still think. These concentric circles on the case - alternating layers of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks formed in a symmetric anticline by erosion.
3. It is believed that the Eye of the Sahara was formed between the Late Proterozoic (2, 5 billion years) and Ordovician (480 million years). The most ancient ring of about 600 million years.
4. The original version of the origin in a collision with a meteorite later version changes completely the geological origin of these concentric circles.
5. In spite of the extensive field and laboratory studies that have been conducted, geoscientists could not find conclusive evidence that would indicate the impact of an extraterrestrial object.
6. Moreover, there is a ring-shaped structure Richat depression that characterizes the place of a meteorite of this size. From the site of the crash of a meteorite Eye of the Sahara is also characterized by the fact that sediments deposited it in the usual, "untouched" and not inverted form.
7. According to the latest analytical study breccia (a rock composed of cemented rubble of one or more rock) structure Richat carbonate-rich silica rocks formed under the influence of hydrothermal waters, and the structure itself requires special protection, and further study of its origin.
via dnpmag.com/2015/08/22/spot-glaz-saxary/

2. Richat structure is not followed by the fall of an ancient meteor as many thought and still think. These concentric circles on the case - alternating layers of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks formed in a symmetric anticline by erosion.

3. It is believed that the Eye of the Sahara was formed between the Late Proterozoic (2, 5 billion years) and Ordovician (480 million years). The most ancient ring of about 600 million years.

4. The original version of the origin in a collision with a meteorite later version changes completely the geological origin of these concentric circles.

5. In spite of the extensive field and laboratory studies that have been conducted, geoscientists could not find conclusive evidence that would indicate the impact of an extraterrestrial object.

6. Moreover, there is a ring-shaped structure Richat depression that characterizes the place of a meteorite of this size. From the site of the crash of a meteorite Eye of the Sahara is also characterized by the fact that sediments deposited it in the usual, "untouched" and not inverted form.

7. According to the latest analytical study breccia (a rock composed of cemented rubble of one or more rock) structure Richat carbonate-rich silica rocks formed under the influence of hydrothermal waters, and the structure itself requires special protection, and further study of its origin.

via dnpmag.com/2015/08/22/spot-glaz-saxary/
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