All cheetahs living on Earth at the moment, are blood relatives

The modern population of cheetahs can be traced only by one group of around 500 animals, miraculously survived the last ice age. That is why the cheetah now experiencing unprecedented difficulties with reproduction - apparently, they have signs of genetic degeneration. For example, among cheetahs very high infant mortality rate - about 70% of them do not live up to a year.
Interestingly, the breeding of cheetahs in captivity - a task almost impossible, because in the female ovulation (which in the wild live in splendid isolation) is necessary so that it pursued several males and fought for it. That is why cases of the offspring in captivity are very rare and all are known. For example, the legendary Indian ruler of the XVI century of Akbar the Great, who was an avid fan of all cats, both living more than a thousand cheetahs, and he was able to make only one offspring.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
via factroom.ru