Mayor of Sharon in Wisconsin, USA, is a cat Freddy

The mayor of the town of Sharon, Wisconsin in their time engaged in that eats and sleeps. However, no abuse in this, - it is necessary. In this town, where 900 people live, has a president (presidential system of management of human settlements), officially has the power and it's people. But the mayor and the town is recognized mascot cat Freddy.
All residents consider this a good omen to meet a cat, give it the attention and treat if there is anything. To do this, many people specifically look for a meeting with a local celebrity. When Freddie crossing the road, all the cars stop and wait patiently until he passes. Sam the cat did not hesitate so much attention, and got used to the fact that it is located in the center of events. Every day he runs his route, which includes a post office, two restaurants and a small tavern.
It all started with the fact that a few years ago, homeless cat spun from the municipal government and was seen by a woman - the city treasurer, who has treated Freddie. Feeling good location woman, the cat began to regularly come to the mayor's office shortly before the start of the working day. Over time, it became a tradition. Neither visitors nor staff will be able to resist the charm of the "worker". Citizens who pay bills at City Hall, began to bring the cat toys, food, money to buy cat food, even brought a sleeping area. Now, every morning, the cat meets his "employee" at the entrance, there is unlocking the door, turn on the equipment, then the woman pours his morning bowl portion. After breakfast, the cat willingly greets visitors who respect with the provisions of the attention paid to it, and may even entertain. So for Freddie stuck the title of mayor of the town.
Source: www.happyinspiration.com
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