There is a mental disorder - dependent on eating sofas

31-year-old mother of five children, was diagnosed with a rare disorder called "Pick's disease". She sought medical help, suffering from dependence on eating sofas.

Adele eat stuffing in sofa for 21 years, but only recently, she realized that her relationship is getting out of control. Over the past few years with amazing American dependence already eaten three sofas. Now doctors warn that eating stuffing sitting room could end tragically for Adele Edwards, if it does not take action, as it is - is akin to drug addiction.

Adel said that the first time was fascinated by eating foam padding sofas during a very emotional moment in childhood when her parents were on the verge of divorce.
Now an American attempt an unusual cure incredible dependence with a special therapy and hypnosis that it has not attracted sofas.

If the doctor will not succeed to cure Adele, she is likely to die, because she already had serious problems with the stomach and intestines.
Source: ibigdan.livejournal.com
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