Unusual psychological disorders
In this post I will tell you about the ten most unusual mental illness.
1. Landau-Kleffner syndrome
Landau-Kleffner syndrome - a psychological disorder that mostly affects children under the age of five to seven years. Typically, it is expressed in a loss of ability to properly express their thoughts and understand the language. Some patients with this syndrome are also plagued by seizures. There is no clear scientific explanation of the causes of this disorder does not exist yet. The most strange is the fact that children tend to successfully begin to develop language skills, and then gradually lose them. Some speech therapy techniques can help cope with the disease, but to implement them fairly easily.
2. Obulomaniya
Obulomaniya - not very well-known disorder. Essentially, it is a pernicious attacks of indecision. People with this illness are normal people, both physically and mentally in almost any other field, except when they are in a situation of choice. In this case, they begin serious problems. Some suffer from this disease in the face of everyday life with incredible difficulties, they are often unable to do the simplest things. For example a simple idea whether to go for a walk can completely unsettle them. Many patients say that feel physically healthy, but if imprisoned and deprived of their freedom of action.
3. Syndrome Mary Hart
It's really a very strange disease. Registered cases of people experiencing seizures, hearing the voice of TV presenter Mary Hart. The doctor, who studied one of these cases, confirms that the woman really had a fit when she heard it Hart. The victim felt her head as though squeezed, she was confused and embarrassed. It is worth noting that this strange syndrome is manifested only to those who already suffer from other ailments seizures.
4. caffeine-induced anxiety disorder
Scientists have long known that caffeine increases the anxiety. We also know that people who are already subject to constant anxiety disorders are much more susceptible to psychological influence of caffeine. So if you are prone to panic attacks, be careful with coffee - caffeine will increase the probability of their occurrence.
5. Boantropiya
Boantropiya -Country delusional disorder in which a person considers himself a cow or bull. The disorder usually begins as a kind of dream, and then captures a person's thoughts entirely, eventually passing into mania. It is also possible that the state of hypnosis can be caused, provided that the person is exposed to its influence. Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, is also considered to be suffering from this disease, at least according to the Book of Daniel, which states that "he was driven from men and ate grass like an ox».
6. Autophagy
When autophagy eat themselves sick, or part of your body - just impulsively bite and chew. One man, for example, began with what became a nail-biting, but in the end gnawed his fingers. Like most diseases, this can range from very mild to life-threatening.
7. alien hand syndrome
The syndrome is that the hand behaves as if he has a mind of its own: she moves, grabs things, responds to the touch of others, and does so beyond the control of the person to whom belongs.
3. Taydzhin Kuofusho (Taijin Kyofusho)
This phenomenon is most common in Japan, or rather, among those who grew up in accordance with the customs and social expectations of Japanese culture. Taydzhin Kuofusho characterized by panic that communication with others can go as something wrong. For example, you have to smell bad or you can inadvertently offend someone. The appearance of this syndrome in Japan is not surprising, since the Japanese culture is widely known for its love for the observance of the rules of decorum and etiquette.
9. erotomania
Sufferers erotomania believe that someone they love. And the man who is supposedly in love with erotomaniac usually has a much higher social status than the suffering, and often, is a celebrity. To overcome this disorder is very difficult, even if the alleged lover denies his right "feeling" this is usually not enough to convince erring.
10. Cindrom Riley-Day
Cindrom Riley-Day, which is also known as familial dysautonomia (dysautonomia) - an inherited disorder. To his symptoms appeared, it is necessary that the corresponding gene has been passed by both parents.
Basically, this syndrome affects the autonomic nervous system. Although there are many extremely unpleasant symptoms (for example, frequent vomiting and difficulty swallowing), there are also some quite interesting features.
Chief among them is the fact that many people suffering from this disease is almost completely insensitive to pain. Maybe painless life sounds great in theory, it does not work so well in practice. Pain is really your friend, it sends signals to the brain, so you know when something is wrong, and a complete lack of it does not always lead to pleasant consequences.

1. Landau-Kleffner syndrome

Landau-Kleffner syndrome - a psychological disorder that mostly affects children under the age of five to seven years. Typically, it is expressed in a loss of ability to properly express their thoughts and understand the language. Some patients with this syndrome are also plagued by seizures. There is no clear scientific explanation of the causes of this disorder does not exist yet. The most strange is the fact that children tend to successfully begin to develop language skills, and then gradually lose them. Some speech therapy techniques can help cope with the disease, but to implement them fairly easily.
2. Obulomaniya

Obulomaniya - not very well-known disorder. Essentially, it is a pernicious attacks of indecision. People with this illness are normal people, both physically and mentally in almost any other field, except when they are in a situation of choice. In this case, they begin serious problems. Some suffer from this disease in the face of everyday life with incredible difficulties, they are often unable to do the simplest things. For example a simple idea whether to go for a walk can completely unsettle them. Many patients say that feel physically healthy, but if imprisoned and deprived of their freedom of action.
3. Syndrome Mary Hart

It's really a very strange disease. Registered cases of people experiencing seizures, hearing the voice of TV presenter Mary Hart. The doctor, who studied one of these cases, confirms that the woman really had a fit when she heard it Hart. The victim felt her head as though squeezed, she was confused and embarrassed. It is worth noting that this strange syndrome is manifested only to those who already suffer from other ailments seizures.
4. caffeine-induced anxiety disorder

Scientists have long known that caffeine increases the anxiety. We also know that people who are already subject to constant anxiety disorders are much more susceptible to psychological influence of caffeine. So if you are prone to panic attacks, be careful with coffee - caffeine will increase the probability of their occurrence.
5. Boantropiya

Boantropiya -Country delusional disorder in which a person considers himself a cow or bull. The disorder usually begins as a kind of dream, and then captures a person's thoughts entirely, eventually passing into mania. It is also possible that the state of hypnosis can be caused, provided that the person is exposed to its influence. Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, is also considered to be suffering from this disease, at least according to the Book of Daniel, which states that "he was driven from men and ate grass like an ox».
6. Autophagy

When autophagy eat themselves sick, or part of your body - just impulsively bite and chew. One man, for example, began with what became a nail-biting, but in the end gnawed his fingers. Like most diseases, this can range from very mild to life-threatening.
7. alien hand syndrome

The syndrome is that the hand behaves as if he has a mind of its own: she moves, grabs things, responds to the touch of others, and does so beyond the control of the person to whom belongs.
3. Taydzhin Kuofusho (Taijin Kyofusho)

This phenomenon is most common in Japan, or rather, among those who grew up in accordance with the customs and social expectations of Japanese culture. Taydzhin Kuofusho characterized by panic that communication with others can go as something wrong. For example, you have to smell bad or you can inadvertently offend someone. The appearance of this syndrome in Japan is not surprising, since the Japanese culture is widely known for its love for the observance of the rules of decorum and etiquette.
9. erotomania

Sufferers erotomania believe that someone they love. And the man who is supposedly in love with erotomaniac usually has a much higher social status than the suffering, and often, is a celebrity. To overcome this disorder is very difficult, even if the alleged lover denies his right "feeling" this is usually not enough to convince erring.
10. Cindrom Riley-Day

Cindrom Riley-Day, which is also known as familial dysautonomia (dysautonomia) - an inherited disorder. To his symptoms appeared, it is necessary that the corresponding gene has been passed by both parents.
Basically, this syndrome affects the autonomic nervous system. Although there are many extremely unpleasant symptoms (for example, frequent vomiting and difficulty swallowing), there are also some quite interesting features.
Chief among them is the fact that many people suffering from this disease is almost completely insensitive to pain. Maybe painless life sounds great in theory, it does not work so well in practice. Pain is really your friend, it sends signals to the brain, so you know when something is wrong, and a complete lack of it does not always lead to pleasant consequences.
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