7 most ridiculous deaths

1. Death of sewerage 2008th year, one Canadian, found his stolen wallet thrown down the drain. No matter how trying to get the owner of stormwater runoff for their property, nothing good came of it. After he caught in the act a policeman and warned that it could be dangerous, the man went home, but after a while he returned and resumed the attempt. Out of all the fact that the head of a man stuck in the drain, where he was found after some time. Despite the fact that a Canadian was still alive when he was taken to the hospital, head injuries were fatal.
2. Death by dezodorantaV 1998th year, excessive passion for hygiene killed 16-year-old from England. He was so obsessed with a passion for cleanliness and would continuously fragrant freshness that watered-deodorant spray your whole body at least twice a day. Even when his health began to deteriorate rapidly, it was not long wary of his parents, who were apparently also convinced that cleanliness - the guarantee of health. An autopsy revealed that the teenager died of poisoning butane and propane, which number in his blood 10 times higher than normal.
3. Death by Beard mid-16th century was recorded case of death of the owner of a fairly ridiculous huge beard. Austrian named Hans grew a beard almost half a meter long and very proud of it, until, by chance, the beard was the cause of his death. The town in which he lived, bearded man, caught fire and residents hastily evacuated from it. Running Hans stepped on his beard, and broke his neck.
4. Death by hungry sheep ovetsVoobsche something quite docile and gentle creatures. But only if we are talking about well-fed sheep. Betty Stobbs Englishwoman in 1999, the year of unlucky encounter with a herd of sheep is very hungry. She was the wife of the farmer at the time of the accident it was 67 years. Betty came to the four-wheel all-terrain vehicle with a trailer, which had hay to feed the sheep. Its all-terrain vehicle stopped at the quarry and that's where it pushed the starved flock that came down on the hay. Perhaps a fall from a low cliff Betty could survive, but her car was crushed to death.
5. Death of LCO * galteraTot the 1999th year was fatal for another two Englishwomen who killed steel wire, used as a "seed" in their LCO * galterah. The ladies strolled through Hyde Park in London, when the severe thunderstorms. They tried to find shelter under a large tree, and it was not a good idea: the lightning hit right in both, and the metal body has served as an excellent conductor. The woman died on the spot and their bodies were found after 15 hours.
6. Death by videoigryMnogochislennye concerns due to the rapidly developing gambling got its sad confirmation in the 2005's. A young man from South Korea is so carried away by the game of «Starcraft» network, which sat in an Internet cafe 50 hours, staying focused only on short breaks for sleep and going to the toilet. When he suddenly became ill, he was taken to hospital by ambulance, but it was too late: the 28-year-old Korean died from cardiac arrest caused by severe malnutrition.
7. Death of the heap musoraBratya Langley and Homer Collyer moved in the vicinity of New York in 1909, when he was about twenty years. It is not known exactly whether they were suffering from a mental disorder or were simply horrible sluts, the fact remains that for many years in his apartment, they saved their garbage. Accumulate managed about 180 tons of waste: broken lamps, broken baby carriages, old piano, grandfather clock cracked spoiled furniture and similar stuff. All this was a huge pile of folded at each corner of the apartment.
In 1930, the year of Homer was blind, and from 1940 was bedridden because of rheumatism. His younger brother cared for and looked after him until he stumbled near a huge garbage heaps. She collapsed, burying Langley.
The worst thing in this story - is that Homer could not help him, as was unable to move and. Langley was killed, and after him Homer died of starvation. Police unearthed dead Homer, a few weeks looking for his brother across the city before, "dug out" him from piles of garbage in his own apartment.
via factroom.ru