Every year there are about 100 online suicide
Last year, Bangkok was a public online suicide girl. She quarreled with her former boyfriend during video chatting. Without turning off the webcam, she hanged herself. In the opinion of relatives of the victims, she had never made attempts to commit suicide, do not get depressed, had a cheerful and optimistic.
The act of suicide, and saw other Internet users who were online at the time. The video recording was later removed from the network.
In 2008, the year there was even more shocking case. 19-year-old American, Abraham K. Biggs, swallowing pills potent killed himself while promoting 1500 users online Justin.tv. Before turning the webcam, it notify the members of the forum, who enthusiastically supported the idea. After that, the young man lay down on the bed and lay on it a few hours, without giving signs of life, while observers from the forum mocked and jeered at him, assuming that he was faking. In the end, one of the users realized that the joke had gone too far and called the police, who found Abraham dead.
24-year-old Japanese managed to hang himself online only at the second attempt. Before the suicide, he left about its intentions in several popular Internet resources. In their posts men report depression, the complexities at work, that, in his opinion, his life came to a standstill. These records contain the name of the bank where he worked, as well as other information on which it can be easy to find. However wishing to assist and is not found, on the contrary, users in the same way as in the previous case, it strongly pooscherali.
November 7, 2010 the Japanese said at the forum Userteam, it finally decided to give up his life. While forum users were discussing whether it is not a bluff, including web camera, which has fixed the man a rope attached to a beam and tried to hang himself. The beam bent under the weight of its weight, and he found a safe place. At six o'clock in the morning I took an act of suicide.
According to statistics, commit suicide online about 100 people a year. There are special sites and forums where visitors enthusiastically discussing these cases and select the most efficient and effective ways to commit suicide. The ability to remain anonymous and not privy to the semi-successful and unsuccessful suicide attempts are attracted to these sites a lot of people. As a rule, the decision to commit suicide online make adolescents and young people aged up to 25 years.
via factroom.ru