Here in Hungary we struggled with the wave of suicides After the First World War
The First World War was one of the "modern" wars and had such a scale and destruction, which could not boast of it to any other war. People who lived through the war, after the end of her experience severe post-traumatic disorder and suffered from depression. In Budapest, Hungary, from psychic disorders suffered not only soldiers, but also the general population. Literally the whole town suffered from depression. According to newspaper reports of the 1930s, a wave of suicide in Budapest. Everything was so bad that the people themselves began to call Budapest the "city of suicide." The most common method of suicide was drowning. Patrol boats day and night were near city bridges. Many believed that this was caused by the wave of suicides of popular Hungarian songs in 1933 called "Gloomy Sunday". To somehow remedy the situation, the Hungarian government did not come up with anything better than to create "smiles Club».
The idea of "the Club of smiles" is to raise public sentiment, by teaching people the right and the "quality" smile. So they wanted to turn the "city of suicides" in the "city of smiles»
There was even opened a school in which the residents of Budapest have been taught how to properly smile
This school taught smiles even famous people such as Roosevelt, Mona Lisa, Clark Gable, Dick Powell, and Loretta Young. Prices on training smiles stars ranged from the amount of wasted time that it took to teach the "patient's" stellar smile.
They even used a special facial tape, which helped all who wish to learn how to smile
Especially for those who have not turned to smile, were invented here are painted mask-smile.
Despite the good intentions, photos using this method of struggle with depression are pretty scary
The same song "Gloomy Sunday", which allegedly caused a wave of suicide:.
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The idea of "the Club of smiles" is to raise public sentiment, by teaching people the right and the "quality" smile. So they wanted to turn the "city of suicides" in the "city of smiles»
There was even opened a school in which the residents of Budapest have been taught how to properly smile
This school taught smiles even famous people such as Roosevelt, Mona Lisa, Clark Gable, Dick Powell, and Loretta Young. Prices on training smiles stars ranged from the amount of wasted time that it took to teach the "patient's" stellar smile.
They even used a special facial tape, which helped all who wish to learn how to smile
Especially for those who have not turned to smile, were invented here are painted mask-smile.
Despite the good intentions, photos using this method of struggle with depression are pretty scary
The same song "Gloomy Sunday", which allegedly caused a wave of suicide:.
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