Personal diary of Robert Shields - the most voluminous and detailed diary of the world

Reverend Robert Shields (May 17, 1918 - October 15, 2007) - the former spiritual guide and English teacher in high school Dayton, WA, United States. Robert Shields known his diary of 37, 5 million words - a chronicle of every five minutes of his life from 1972 to the stroke left him handicapped in 1997.
Assuming that the completion of his diary would mark "the end of his life," he spent four hours a day on your back porch, in your underwear, documenting their body temperature, blood pressure, medications, describing his urination, and slept only two hours to how to describe his colorful dreams. It is assumed that Shields was suffering from a syndrome Hypergraphs - writing style, which is characterized by excessive verbosity, pedantic insistence on referring to many unnecessary detail and a penchant for obsessive inserts; All this testifies to the existing human mental disorders, which are often found in patients with epilepsy. He once said: "Maybe, watching every minute of every day someone's life, our descendants will learn something new about the people." In addition to his diary, Robert left to posterity a sample of his hair from his nose.
"Uninhibited" and "spontaneous" manuscript Shields as he himself described them, are now stored in the 94's boxes in the basement of the University of Washington, which he donated the work in 1999. In an interview in May of 2000, he said: "I wrote a poem in 1200, and at least five of them - good.»
Under the terms of the donation of his diary Washington State University, the diary can not read for 50 years after his death. However, many passages were published, including the following:
July 25, 1993
7 am: I cleaned the sink and nails removed layers of dead skin off my feet.
7:05 am: I went to the toilet "in the large" and left behind a large, hard stools, and a liter of urine. Use five pieces of toilet paper.
19946 April 18: 30-6: 35: I put it in the oven two packs of macaroni and cheese "Stouffer" at a temperature of 350 °.
6: 35-6: 50: I wrote on a typewriter IBM Wheelwriter your blog.
6.50-7.30: I ate pasta "Stouffer" with cheese, Cornelia ate the second pack. Grace said she was not hungry.
7.30-7.35: We changed a light bulb on the porch. Em>
13 August 1995
8:45 am: I shaved twice blades Gillette: shaved neck, behind the ears and cheeks. em>
Source: www.strannoe.info
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