Scientists plan to clone mammoth

Russo-Japanese team of scientists from the Museum of mammoth in the Republic of Sakha and Japanese Kinki University managed to find fossils of a mammoth desired genetic material that you want to clone a mammoth. A team of scientists in recent years is collaborative research in this direction, but the real breakthrough was the discovery in August last year on the Laptev Sea coast in Yakutia preserved mammoth remains, lie in the permafrost of not less than 40 thousand years. Scientists were able to found a femur of the animal to find a well-preserved fragments of the bone marrow, which previously no one had succeeded. Found femur belongs to the animal a height of about 3 to 5 meters.
Attempts to clone a mammoth undertaken since late 1990 CHG., But so far, biologists could not realize his plan. The scientists emphasized that finding represents a major scientific success, as is usually the bone marrow in fossils badly damaged due to the long stay in the permafrost.
In 2012, the scientists plan to proceed directly to the cloning of the giant mammal. First, the core of the bone marrow cells of a mammoth elephant placed in the egg, and can receive the embryos with mammoth DNA. Then they transplanted the embryos into the uterus of a female elephant, as it is closely related species. And to see a healthy baby mammoth, scientists plan within five years. This technology was developed by a research team of the Japanese State Institute of Natural Sciences and the city of Kobe has already demonstrated its effectiveness: in 2008 this way was cloned mouse, who died 16 years before his "rebirth».
According to the materials www.russkiymir.ru
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