Designed bezekrannye displays that present any multimedia content in the air

Astrakhan company Displair, a resident of the Foundation "Skolkovo", unveiled its innovative development of the same name. It bezekrannye displays that put into the air of any multimedia content. Image material is completely impermeable, safe and environmentally friendly.
Image (drawing, photography, video) is projected on the cold water cloud, which the company calls "foggy screen". The most interesting is that such a "screen" is actually touch and even understands gestures multi-touch. It uses an infrared camera that can detect movement in a range of 10 mm, the response of the interface is 0, 2 seconds. For comparison, Microsoft Kinect, the figure is 0, 1 second, but the controller is not able to detect such small movements and very close to the camera.
At the moment, any completed software and hardware to control bezekrannymi displays in the market. After completing the work started in this field, "Displair Company" make a breakthrough in the field of projection equipment.
The idea of the images in the air is already known and quite common abroad.
The only known competitor - an interactive display technology company L90i IO2 Technology, but they do not sell it, because it is made only for their devices. The technology has the characteristics of one touch, has a response delay time of 1 second and adds 50% to the cost of the equipment (20 000 dollars per unit). Overall, the cost of this monitor about $ 60 000.
A similar product to create a decent price / quality ratio is the potential demand in the amount of thousands of units worldwide. Quality technology «Displair» superior to their foreign counterparts, and the price of 2, 4 times less.
Source: www.itc.ua
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