Stress inhibits growth  obesity

To such conclusion the group of researchers of the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS, showing the example of genetically predisposed to obesity mice that easy repeated emotional stress retards the development of obesity and diabetes. It is reported that the experimental mice carry a mutation that promotes continuous overeating. The mutation also changes the coat color in mice - it turns yellow, not black, so it is convenient to use as a marker.

For the experiment repeated with emotional stress researchers placed mice three times a week in a close tube at 30 minutes for 35 days. It turned out that not strong long emotional stress can not only reduce weight but also prevent the development of Type II diabetes, which develops due to obesity.

In the second part of the experiment, scientists have observed for pregnant yellow mice. If before the pregnancy, they ate more than the black by the end of pregnancy and during lactation their appetite is not different from the appetite of black, and after feeding, they again started to eat more, said Head of the Laboratory Doctor of Biological Sciences Nadezhda Bajan.


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