"The method of a headless chicken" - a way of industrial cultivation of chickens without a brain

Every year in the UK grow and kill about 800 million broilers. These creatures are grown in large farms with no natural light, using special techniques that accelerate their maturation. As a result, they often die because their heart and lungs can not keep up with the growth of the body.
Scientists have proposed a new method of industrial production of chickens, so-called "headless chicken method", which involves the removal of the cerebral cortex of chicken to suppress sensory perception. This will produce a product devoid of stressful experiences (from overcrowding, lack of natural light, and so on. N.), The brainstem chicken will be saved, so that the homeostatic functions continue to function, allowing it to grow.
Food, water and air will flow through a network of pipes through which the feces will be deleted.
via factroom.ru