The world's largest camera has a length of 11 meters
While the inventors surprise us the smallest cameras in the world, American photographer Dennis Manarchy goes in a different direction: he has spent 10 years developing the classic film camera length of almost 11 meters. The device was named «The Eye of America».
The camera needs huge negatives of 2 to 1, 3 meters, to see which required lighting the size of a large window. The camera does not please its compactness, the shooting process is very time consuming and preparing to shot very carefully, but the portraits created with its help, you can see fine lines and pores on the skin of people.
Photographer intends using the trailer on which the camera is installed, make a journey of 20,000 miles across the country. He plans to visit 50 states under the "Vanishing Culture:" Portrait of America "to take pictures of Eskimos, Indians, cowboys, as well as participants of the Second World War. Giant pictures, the size of two floors, immortalize history.
http://player.vimeo.com/video/27359714?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0 video>
via factroom.ru