Forer effect (Barnum) explains why people believe in horoscopes and palmistry
psychologist Bertram Forer in 1948 conducted a psychological experiment which showed the effect lasts. He gave his students a special test to its results to analyze their personalities. However, instead of this individual characteristics, he gave all the same vague text taken from the horoscope. He then asked each student on a scale to assess the conformity of their personality descriptions of reality - the average assessment was 4, 26. assess the accuracy of the description of the students affected including the authority of the teacher. Subsequently, the experiment was repeated hundreds of times.
The description, which gave students Forer "You really need to other people you loved and admired. You are quite self-critical. Do you have a lot of hidden opportunities that you did not use to their advantage. While you have some personal weaknesses, you are generally able to neutralize them.
Disciplined and self-assured in appearance, in fact you tend to worry and feel insecure. At times you have serious doubts include as to whether you have made the right decision, or whether the right thing to do. Do you prefer some variety, the scope and limitations cause you displeasure. Also, you are proud of the fact that the idea independently; you do not accept others' statements at face value without sufficient evidence. Do you understand that to be very frank with other people - not too wisely. Sometimes you are extroverted, affable, and sociable, sometimes - introverted, wary, and reserved. Some of your aspirations rather unrealistic. One of your main goals in life - stability ».
Each of the students agreed that the text is quite accurately describes his character.
Here are the factors that contributed to the success of the experiment:
- The subject is convinced that the description applies only to him.
- The vagueness of characteristics makes it applicable to almost anyone, and this makes the test at the thought of her justice.
- The subject is convinced of the authority formulated a description.
- In the present description primarily positive characteristics.
via factroom.ru
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