Bacteria can live and grow in an environment where gravity is greater than the earth 400 times

Japanese scientists have proved life can adapt to hypergravity - an environment where gravity is greater than the earth more than 400 times. These bacterial colonies were placed in an ultracentrifuge and began to spin with the acceleration of 3, 9 million meters per second squared.
The form of life which they were tested, not just survive. She has continued to grow.
The simpler form of life, the easier it adapts. Wednesday, for the highly deadly creatures, it turns out be a good place for living and reproduction simple and primitive. How likely is due to a consistently high rating fatal for normal human brain reality show.
Moreover, once a bacterium Parococcus denitrificans survived in high gravity, which means that after a collision with a meteorite Earth life on our planet will continue - albeit without you and me.
And, last but not least - after the discovery of Japanese scientists list of potentially habitable planets is significantly increased. It is possible that the bacteria can be found even in the so-called "brown dwarfs", gravity exceeds the earth 100 times.
via factroom.ru
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