Alan Conway few years has been forged by Stanley Kubrick
John Malkovich as Alan Conway. / F "Colour Me Kubrick" 2005
Start of 90-ies of the last century dawned for travel agents and small swindler Alan Conway extremely successful. For several years he was able to live a life in London legendary director Stanley Kubrick. All this time he fooled celebrities and ordinary people, signing autographs and went to all sorts of social events. And all just because the right and left handed role in the next film kubrikovskih.
Victims of fraud dozens of people among them prominent politicians, journalists and artists who were just happy to be worthy of attention the great maestro. Unbelievable how many people believe the fraudster, given that the convoy was totally unlike Stanley Kubrick. In addition, at the Conway it was a distinct British accent. But Kubrick - from Brooklyn. Conway, of course, tried to speak as an American, but he came out very important. However, Conway told everyone that shaved off his beard, and by the time Kubrick for a long time had a beard, without a beard, and very few people remember. But there was another problem: our hero is absolutely nothing about the films of Stanley Kubrick.
People who have met before with this Kubrick, also did not notice the change. The journalist was a New York Times by Frank Rich, for example, it is arranged with a version of "shave their beards" and not at all embarrassed that Kubrick changed the focus and at the same time not very well versed in his work.
In the end, tired of Conway Kubrick fans and fizzled.
By the way, he died of a heart attack a few months before Kubrick passed away from the same.
via factroom.ru