Johnny Depp holds the record for the largest fee in Hollywood
In 2011, Johnny Depp received a large sum of $ 53 million for the role (guess who) Captain Jack Sparrow in 4 "Pirates ...". Because of this, Johnny walked honorarium previous record holder - Tom Hanks, starring in "The Da Vinci Code" for $ 50 000 000.
Given the success of the franchise "Pirates of the Caribbean", its creators can easily afford raskidyvatsya million. No one imagined that the created image of a little crazy Depp and endlessly optimistic character will be so sold. In 2012, the year Depp hit the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actor of the year with an income of $ 75 000 000.
But the main record can be called Hollywood Will Smith. He does not receive a time as much as was Depp, but in 2008 he earned for the year more than $ 80 000 000. This is a record no one could beat.
via factroom.ru
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