Dunning-Kruger Effect: stupid person is wrong, but can not realize their mistakes due to his own stupidity
In the title - a simplified interpretation of cognitive distortions, which are described by Justin Kruger and David Dunning in 1999, the year. The full wording reads: "People who have a low level of qualification, making erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate decisions, but are not able to realize his mistakes because of their low level of qualification».
Misunderstanding error leads to conviction in their own right and, hence, increase self-confidence and awareness of their superiority. Thus Dunning-Kruger effect is a psychological paradox with which we are all often face in life: less competent people consider themselves professionals, and more competent tend to doubt yourself and your abilities.
The starting point of his research Dunning and Kruger called Charles Darwin's famous statement:
«Ignorance often gives rise to confidence than knowledge»
blockquote> and Bertrand Russell:
«One of the unpleasant features of our time is that those who have the confidence, stupid, and those with at least some imagination and understanding, full of doubt and indecision».
via factroom.ru
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