Cats harm to the environment more than men

Domestic cats - it lovely and charming friends Internet memes, but they have on the environment even more devastating impact than people. They are recognized as one of the "worst" invasive species - that is, those species that were introduced in those natural conditions, which were not originally envisaged.
In particular, cats jeopardize complete disappearance of some species of birds worldwide. On average, cats kill 1, 4-3, 7 billion. Native birds annually and represent for birds greater threat than the building, windows, cars and pollution. Cats are also guilty of the death of an annual 6, 9-20, 7 billion. Small mammals.
Of particular danger to wildlife are street cats without owners - in a large country such cats can be from 30 to 80 million. Specimens. Stray cats to date have already put in danger of extinction, 33 species of birds, animals and reptiles all over the world. On average, one such cat kills a year for 46 330 birds and small rodents. Of course, if it were only a rat could talk about the benefits, but cats do not make the difference between a rat and a harmless meadow voles and chipmunks.
One solution can serve as a prohibition to issue cat out of the house and keep them indoors. In New Zealand, for example, there is a campaign to ban the holding of cats as pets. Of course, such a measure might work, and endangered species will restore their population, but there is a downside: harmful rodents can also begin to multiply uncontrollably.
Obviously, the biggest problem is that people do not control cats - some of them are thrown into the street, thus forcing them to look for ways to survive. Perhaps the situation will improve, if you just do not let cats to the environment.
via factroom.ru
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