Squinting works the same way as glasses
For short-sighted people is typical squints to see better. In fact, from a physiological point of view, squinting really helps to see distant objects to visually impaired people, as it works about as well as sunglasses.
Everything is constructed as follows: the light passes through the pupil, and then through the lens which focuses light on the retina. This is where special cells interpret light and convert it into the signals sent from the brain. The brain recognizes them - and please, we have a vision.
If the lens is sealed, due to reasons of age or family history, the ability to see clearly and clearly falls. To compensate for this a little, the brain long ago came up with squinting - action that we perform automatically, trying to see something. When you schurites, shape of the eye changes due to the work of the eye muscles become more regular, which helps focus the light in the retina, send it to the center of the lens and thus obtain a focused image. Spectacle lenses work the same way.
via factroom.ru
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