The representatives of the people are dying deliberately Taron
Tarontsi - a small ethnic group living in the Himalayan foothills in northern Burma. They are also known as Asian pygmies. The average growth of the adult male of the tribe - a little less than one and a half meters.
Number Tarontsi reduced, and soon they will disappear completely. The strange thing about this is that Tarontsi do it deliberately, because at some point in time, most of Taron babies were born with congenital mental defects. Tribal chiefs have decided that they no longer want to risk: the mentally-handicapped people, children are likely to be susceptible to the same disease. Therefore, they have prohibited the birth of children, and even marriage. Now purebred Tarontsi less than a dozen, and soon the whole culture disappears from the face of the earth, because they have chosen for themselves such a fate.
via factroom.ru
In New York, there was one murder of 9/11, in no way connected with the attack, and it was not disclosed
In the US state of Louisiana prisoners per capita than anywhere in the world