In fact CAPTCHA (CAPTCHA) - an automated Turing test

Turing Test - is invented by Alan Turing empirical test, which aims - to find out whether the computer can think. The most common formulation of the problem of this test is as follows:
«Man interacts with one computer and one man. Based on the answers to the questions he has to determine with whom he talks: with a person or a computer program. The task of the computer program - to introduce human error, making the wrong choice to make ».
blockquote> The well-known CAPTCHA (Eng. CAPTCHA) - this is the same test that you pass in order to prove that you are a person and not a robot. Explanation of this concept sounds: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, in translation: Completely Automated Public Turing test to distinguish between computers and people.
via factroom.ru
"The luckiest man in the world" has survived in several accidents, and then won a million in the lottery
The body of the caterpillar literally melts while it is in a cocoon, and the body of the butterfly is formed anew