Supercomputer, past the Turing test, proved a bluff

A few days ago Habre was topic , which reported that a Russian computer software for the first time in history has been able to pass the Turing test:
program developed by Vladimir Veselov of Russian and Ukrainian Yevhen Demchenko yesterday managed to convince 33% of the judges that she actually - 13-year-old Odessa Eugene Gustman, a lover of sweets and burgers and the son of a gynecologist. Blockquote> Understand that this is a bluff, not having no basis, it was simple enough.
As отметил TechDirt: Eugene Goostman - this is not a supercomputer, and just simply chat bot. In general, this test method is flawed and does not hold water. I>
Chat bot posing as a thirteen year old Ukrainian boy named Eugene Goostman, whose English is not their mother. It is obvious that the strangeness in his responses and inability to adequately respond to the questions the judge might take for enough good command of English.
Well, besides the organizer test is Kevin Warwick, personality, known for its sensational statements to gullible journalists.
Independently communicate with the chat bot Eugene Goostman and verify its primitiveness can here (the site is often unavailable.)