Alan Turing, Vint Cerf and Joss Whedon
What is common to Alan Turing, Vint Cerf, Joss Whedon, Anna Akhmatova, and the Olympic Games, a typewriter and a gymnastic hoop?
June 23, 2014 marks the 50th anniversary Joss Whedon, 71 years Vinton Sёrfu and 102 years since the birth of Alan Turing.
It is possible that on June 23 will ever be in the afternoon or day cryptanalysis artificial intelligence
Алан Turing
In the absence of laws of behavior, which together would determine our lives, we can not be sure as easily as in the absence of a complete list of rules of action. The only known method of finding such laws is a scientific explanation, and of course we never ... can not say: "We have already explored enough. Laws that are fully determined to our lives and behavior, there is no ».
Digital Archive
This website contains nearly 3, 000 images of letters, photographs, newspaper articles, and unpublished papers by or about Alan Turing.
Can a machine think? (translated article Turing)
Sleep, Alan! Turing Test and empty sensation (2014 interesting article in Computerra)
Alan Turing and the Thinking Machine (MIT Lecture)
LEGO Turing Machine
Clippers for breaking Enigma - Bombay (named after the dessert)
After the war, Churchill, for security reasons, ordered the destruction of all material traces of the program Ultra, including machines Bombe.
British history buffs, after more than 60 years have restored one car Turing Bombe, despite the availability of detailed drawings and explanations (full set about 2 years), they spent 10 years on it.
Bombe device name is sometimes mistakenly translated into Russian as "bomb". Meanwhile, a bomb in English - bomb. Title Bombe according to one version derived from the name of a dessert of ice cream Bombe glacée, in the form of a sphere or cylinder.
In November 2014 the film goes «The Imitation Game»
In 1952, Turing published a paper entitled "Chemical Principles morphogenesis» (The chemical basis of morphogenesis), where the first mathematically describes the process of self-organization of matter.
Vinton Cerf , architect of the Matrix developer TCP / IP
He was awarded the 2004 Turing Award
Joss Whedon. Biography
螢火蟲 (Firefly): You can not take the sky from me (article Habré)
Anna Akhmatova
All poems steeped in Moscow,
Rhymes pierced through and through.
Let silence reigns over us,
Let us rhyme will lodge apart,
Let the silence be a secret sign
Those who are with you, and seemed to me,
You connect to a secret marriage
With pristine silence of the bitterest,
What's in the dark granite underground sharpens
And magically closes the circle,
And in the night over the ear predicts death,
Drowning out the loudest sound.
1963 Moscow i>
Международный Olympic Day
The important thing in Life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. To spread these principles is to build up a strong and more valiant and, above all, more scrupulous and more generous humanity.
Of the 30 volumes and 1,200 articles on Pierre de Coubertin Russian translated 170 pages.
ah, yes, even in this day and patented typewriter gymnastic hoop.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227035/
June 23, 2014 marks the 50th anniversary Joss Whedon, 71 years Vinton Sёrfu and 102 years since the birth of Alan Turing.
It is possible that on June 23 will ever be in the afternoon or day cryptanalysis artificial intelligence
Алан Turing
In the absence of laws of behavior, which together would determine our lives, we can not be sure as easily as in the absence of a complete list of rules of action. The only known method of finding such laws is a scientific explanation, and of course we never ... can not say: "We have already explored enough. Laws that are fully determined to our lives and behavior, there is no ».
Digital Archive
This website contains nearly 3, 000 images of letters, photographs, newspaper articles, and unpublished papers by or about Alan Turing.
Can a machine think? (translated article Turing)
Sleep, Alan! Turing Test and empty sensation (2014 interesting article in Computerra)
Alan Turing and the Thinking Machine (MIT Lecture)
LEGO Turing Machine
Clippers for breaking Enigma - Bombay (named after the dessert)
After the war, Churchill, for security reasons, ordered the destruction of all material traces of the program Ultra, including machines Bombe.
British history buffs, after more than 60 years have restored one car Turing Bombe, despite the availability of detailed drawings and explanations (full set about 2 years), they spent 10 years on it.
Bombe device name is sometimes mistakenly translated into Russian as "bomb". Meanwhile, a bomb in English - bomb. Title Bombe according to one version derived from the name of a dessert of ice cream Bombe glacée, in the form of a sphere or cylinder.
In November 2014 the film goes «The Imitation Game»
In 1952, Turing published a paper entitled "Chemical Principles morphogenesis» (The chemical basis of morphogenesis), where the first mathematically describes the process of self-organization of matter.
Vinton Cerf , architect of the Matrix developer TCP / IP
He was awarded the 2004 Turing Award
Joss Whedon. Biography
螢火蟲 (Firefly): You can not take the sky from me (article Habré)
Anna Akhmatova
All poems steeped in Moscow,
Rhymes pierced through and through.
Let silence reigns over us,
Let us rhyme will lodge apart,
Let the silence be a secret sign
Those who are with you, and seemed to me,
You connect to a secret marriage
With pristine silence of the bitterest,
What's in the dark granite underground sharpens
And magically closes the circle,
And in the night over the ear predicts death,
Drowning out the loudest sound.
1963 Moscow i>
Международный Olympic Day
The important thing in Life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. To spread these principles is to build up a strong and more valiant and, above all, more scrupulous and more generous humanity.
Of the 30 volumes and 1,200 articles on Pierre de Coubertin Russian translated 170 pages.
ah, yes, even in this day and patented typewriter gymnastic hoop.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227035/