There is a Quidditch World Cup

Quidditch - a team sport, a mixture of rugby and dodzhbola in Russia known as "bouncers". The first person to invent and describe it, was JK Rowling, author of a cycle of works of Harry Potter Quidditch which acted as a favorite sport of wizards.
Oddly enough, the magical sport perfectly suited for ordinary people - with the right approach to adaptation. Quidditch World Cup this year will be held in Austin Tindall Park, Florida, USA. In it players will take part in 1600, including those from European countries - Italy and France. The world's first championship was held in 2007 at the initiative of the students and teachers of Middlebury College in Vermont. Then the Cup only two teams fought. To date, the Registry registered 225 teams from 45 states in the US and five other countries. In addition, in the world there are still about 1,000 teams that are also preparing to join the league.
via factroom.ru
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