Bloch enlarged to the size of a person will be able to jump over a skyscraper? Physics says that there is no

It would seem that scary to imagine what will happen if the insects grow up to the size of people. Very popular idea that the size of a human flea jump stadium, and the ant lift truck. Many phenomena at first sight seem obvious, but enough to refresh the memory of a school physics to understand that this is not so.
In real life, the insects can not be enlarged. But all are familiar with radio-controlled model airplanes and helicopters. Cheap toy airplane made of brittle plastic, may fall as much as necessary, without any consequences. And what happens to the airliner, constructed from high-strength materials, a failed landing, we are well aware.
Let us remember high school physics. Area - the length of the square, the volume - in the cube. Increase subject to 2 times, the area will increase by 4 times the amount - 8 times, and the weight also increased by 8 times. The strength is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the body, the force - cross-sectional area of muscle.
Imagine a radio-controlled model aircraft. Increase the 10-centimeter toy 500 times, to the size of long-haul Boeing. The aircraft will be stronger than 250 thousand times harder and 125 million times. But the wonders of engineering, high-strength materials and huge costs allow airliners to fly and do not crumble into pieces.
Now let's see what can increased flea. Take a fairly large specimen length of 5 mm and a weight of 30 mg, which jumps to a height of 30 cm. In order to flea the size of a person, it is necessary to increase 400 times. Weight increase to 64 million times, there will be about 2 m, and the force will increase 160 000 times, so the flea can jump only on height, 400 times smaller in relation to its size, that is, all the same 30 cm. < br />
What can an ant with the same dimensions and weight, if it is to increase our size? Let us assume that it is able to drag the straw weight of 300 mg, ie 10 times greater than its own weight. Increase it to 400 times, and it will become stronger in the 160 thousand times and will be able to drag the 48-pound timber. Obviously, people can and more. And the ant is likely and a mustache will not be able to move.
The evolution over millions of years, creating more and more sophisticated living organisms, and it is not surprising that it mammals, occupying today the highest stage of development, leading to their physical abilities.
via factroom.ru
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