It's time to stop predicting doomsday
Specialists in the field of earth sciences at Columbia University Keleman Peter said that he was tired constantly hear about an impending climate catastrophe. This is not because scientists do not believe in global climate change, but rather because he believes in them than pessimists. The reason for his optimism:
"Of course, one can not deny the possibility of a climate catastrophe, everything can happen. It is logical to assume that the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will lead to its heating and, consequently, an increase in energy. There are events to which we are not ready. And much easier and cheaper to prevent possible disasters, for example, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases than eliminating their consequences. The future is unpredictable, and many mistakes can be corrected, that gives us cause for optimism.
Over the past 10-20 years, despite many difficulties, to develop wind and solar energy is growing by more than 24 and 33% per year, respectively. Although the share of these sources in total energy production due to the high cost still remains low, the problem could solve tax on greenhouse gas emissions.
If you see an urgent need, humanity can respond quickly. For example, the oil and gas sector has been created in a century, from the 1980s of the last century has doubled its volume. When the situation requires, we and our descendants for a century able to develop a completely new energy sources.
The biggest problem - it is pessimism, belief in the apocalypse is not conducive to problem solving. Imagine the situation that you are at the reception at the doctor, and he says that your unhealthy lifestyle can lead to a heart attack. This does not mean you have to give up and die, it just means that you need to be attentive to their health. And in nature: climate change do not speak of the inevitability of the disaster, it is important only to care more about the health of our planet. »
via factroom.ru