Children tribe Wadi tame venomous snakes from the age of two

Up to three years, all the children are incredibly sensitive and can absorb a lot of information - these are some of the parents, almost from birth recording their offspring in linguistic circles, hoping to make them polyglots.

Indian nomadic tribe of Wadi has different goals: there children are taught from an early age to conjure poisonous snakes, And watch this training is really scary - kids, as if nothing had happened, sitting right in the middle of the coil cobras.

Once the baby reaches the age of two Wadi begins training, and it ends when the child turns ten, he takes initiation ritual, which discovers all the secrets and subtleties of this wonderful art. Ahead of him - many years of improving the treatment of these literally cold-blooded animals. According to the thousand-year tradition, the boys are engaged directly in the domestication and girls learn to feed the snakes, care for them and even entertain.

By the way, no one snake Wadi is not kept in captivity longer than seven months - it is a tradition and a tribute.
via factroom.ru
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