Why dark rain clouds

It is well known that the majority of white clouds, and only rain - dark gray. To find out why, let us remember how clouds are formed. The air around us is a lot of water in gaseous form - the so-called water vapor. When the air at the surface of the earth heats up, it begins to rise up along with the steam.
When air rises high into the sky, he begins to cool and water vapor in the atmospheric dust settles, the rest of the volcanoes, car exhaust and other sources. The result is a drop of water and small ice crystals, which merge to form clouds.
In contrast to the atmospheric particles that scatter blue light more than other colors (that makes the sky blue), tiny particles scatter the clouds all the same colors of light together give white.
Storm clouds also gray because of their thickness or height - they become denser and thicker as collect more water droplets and ice crystals, and the more they get, the more light is scattered, and the less light penetrates the clouds.
Before the bottom of the cloud comes a little light, so our eyes they appear gray. The effect is more pronounced if the clouds accumulate large drops of water that fall, as a rule, on earth as rain or snow - the clouds are more than absorb light rather than reflect it.
via factroom.ru
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