Realistic optimists are more successful and happier than pessimists and optimists

Scientists found that the division of people into optimists and pessimists is not entirely correct: a person can be a positive as optimistic, and at the same time to soberly assess their capabilities, like a pessimist. "Realistic optimists," as they called the psychologist Sophia Chou of National Taiwan University, as a rule, more successful than those who clearly defines for itself, the glass is half full or half empty.

Working with successful entrepreneurs Chow found that some of them showing signs of optimists and pessimists, as they are very prudently apply to life and thus allow themselves to make very optimistic forecasts - most of these oldtimers good enough in the business.

In addition, Chow set up an experiment, which was attended by about 200 tons undergraduate and graduate students. Among the optimists Chou divided into two groups - the "realists" and "idealists" and, in her words, "realistic optimist" usually achieve more in life, because it is not prone to self-deception, prefer hard work and thorough work on a.

It turned out that a realistic optimists are confident in their self-control and control over the situation, allowing them to build a more effective communication with others. As explained Chow: "When this sort of person faced with a problem or task, they immediately calculate several options, referring to the situation creatively».

This willingness to force majeure allows a person to maintain a positive attitude and look to the future.

As stated by the psychologist, "idealists" and "realistic optimist" can behave quite differently, and to derive maximum benefit from these two approaches, Chou advised soberly assess the situation, but do not forget that people are almost always able to control it.



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