AeYO - strange cross between a scooter, roller skates and bicycles
And fast and convenient, and health polezno
This thing may look very strange, but according to representatives of a German company, is the future of sports. It is called AeYO and combines efficient and dynamic movement Skating with the convenience and safety of the bicycle.
In it there is a frame, hand brake and a basket, like a bicycle, and a pair of roller skates attached to the frame. To move, it is necessary to perform the same movements as if skating on roller skates. Unlike a traditional scooter, while riding on which repelled only one foot, and then put both feet on the platform in AeYO both legs work the same way.
Worth AeYO £ 370, the manufacturer claims that it is suitable for people of any age. When riding are ten muscle groups: legs, buttocks, arms and back. Horse AeYO always takes place in a vertical position to avoid muscle cramps and relieves stress.
In fact, if you like to move actively, AeYO could be your ideal transport to get to work.
via factroom.ru

This thing may look very strange, but according to representatives of a German company, is the future of sports. It is called AeYO and combines efficient and dynamic movement Skating with the convenience and safety of the bicycle.
In it there is a frame, hand brake and a basket, like a bicycle, and a pair of roller skates attached to the frame. To move, it is necessary to perform the same movements as if skating on roller skates. Unlike a traditional scooter, while riding on which repelled only one foot, and then put both feet on the platform in AeYO both legs work the same way.
Worth AeYO £ 370, the manufacturer claims that it is suitable for people of any age. When riding are ten muscle groups: legs, buttocks, arms and back. Horse AeYO always takes place in a vertical position to avoid muscle cramps and relieves stress.
In fact, if you like to move actively, AeYO could be your ideal transport to get to work.
via factroom.ru
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