New horoscope: Who are you from household appliances?
Unusual this horoscope, interesting enough to read about themselves ..))
Find below a Zodiac and read!)
Gemini: / You computers
And with the complete bundle: Processor and you clever and clear monitor, keyboard and ergonomic. You accommodates and process complex information when put such a task, but to put it, you need a mouse. Myshki- computer without intrinsic value system, but it is impossible to use it. Myshka- is an approach to the computer. Generally, of course, you can plug in any and somehow use it, but your system faster and more responsive to subtle optical control.
Virgo: / You camcorder
Look carefully at this world, all notice and write, and outputted to analyze digital form. Yes, it's a smart priborchik, but wrong to think that it only captures what is happening. Oh, no! Sensitive camera optics capable of the most wonderful way to transform reality, both for the better and for the worse. There are people who do not like a video camera, and absolutely do not want to shoot beautiful, but there are Other- and they are lucky. If we love one camera, then at least in the two accounts will make a star.
Capricorn: / You refrigerator
Important and profound, a key figure not only in the kitchen, but in the whole house. Have you ever, refrigerator and warms the soul. Unflappable and strong, your mind is hard to guess what you have inside. And then, you know, the grouse with pineapple, then a couple of withered apples, if not empty. In the case of a refrigerator than ever valid philosophical phrase Carlson: "Nothing to see here, here and nothing ever happens if you do not put anything here!».
Leo / vacuum cleaner you
You outshines all the sounds of the world, compared to the rest of you are inaudible and insignificant. Powerful jet of fresh air sweep dust and routine, you can whip up any swamp, paint everything bright colors. You bunch of purposeful energy, and are capable of so much involve in this turbulent cycle, including the fact that you do not need. You have the same enthusiasm for any task you undertake, whether it is the size of a pin and a closet. Learn how not to get upset that you can not draw a cabinet, better think about it: you need it?
Aries: / You irons
From the side it often seems that all you've got is very much smoothly. But once you know what to have to become hot temperature to create the effect of "smooth" slip. Can only envy to the tenacity with which you otutyuzhivaete to the desired state this you deystvitelnost- often crumpled and ugly. But as it is transformed after your intervention, the mountain of crumpled material becomes akkuatnoy freshly ironed stack. This world would be much better if these converters for the better was more!
Cancer: / You stove
Oh, very good cooker. All feed, supply, provide, all bakes about every worry, everything in your home revolves around you. As you all the warmth and sincerity, but sometimes you ask yourself: "What am I bake and bake and live-when?". And here are your own answer: "Plate I, therefore bake share takaya- my whole life" on the farm "Sometimes you start to smoke heavily, and it is a serious challenge for everyone, including you. In fact, things are not so bad, you just extract itself "ought to sit down," and it's not a fad, it is a necessity for you and for others.
Fish: / cell phones you
You as well as the cellular handset, at first vzgyad calm and not bothering anyone, lying somewhere "in the corner", but only as long as you do not start to "call." Switched mode, you pass through a massive amount of information, including excessive, unnecessary. But as you phone, you often can not free to choose with whom to talk. Quite quickly discharged and need to connect to the battery. But you, like cell phones, constantly cultivate and each new stage in your life includes models of the new line.
Scorpio: / You combine
Able to smithereens crumble anything, resistance is futile, because you "too tough" everything except the concrete. You want real power over the world and realize that without the destructive power to achieve it still does not work out. This is the unit of the world: on the path of creating a stage of destruction there, and sozidanie- is the second part of your nature, and the second stage of cooking chopped, planed, twisted combine ingredients.
Sagittarius: / You
TV And not just because you are just like television, radiate warmth and light inside. The main thing you generously share with others all that you have. You give yourself to people. But did not really do good for people, you will not see evil. People may criticize you and considered a source of trouble. You tell them that only reflect the real picture of the world, and in response to hear that everything happens naoborot- world is created in the image of what you are showing. Who is right, who controls whom? Perhaps only you know the truth.
Taurus: / You Kettle
If it was a furniture horoscope, you no doubt would divanom- of security, but you can always rely on. But you tea, do not think bad, we have it sounds good. You, as a samovar, always at the head of the table, everything around you is spinning. Tea all ten times a day you want, and everything to you. Cups all small and empty, and you are a big and full, that fills the void sense, the law of nature, so to speak. Yes, all under cover strive to look, do not realize that the water does not boil before it boils. The idea in general, guileless, but otherwise it is necessary to seven glasses of tea poured before they are smart enough. Of course you do not mind, but the water in the kettle still need time to pour, and the coil will burn.
Libra: / You cassette
Arrow weights boring show banal Number of pounds, much more fun to wander around the frequencies FM- stations. What a huge world lies in your range as feelings, thoughts, and tunes it contains. And it's so hard to choose just one station. And it is necessary to choose, because your throwing between frequencies accompanied by a terrible noise and crackle. On the other hand, it is better for five minutes and then cracked his sluschat good music, which is always handy. You are loved, you brighter and sharper, full of joy and fun rampant, even sad near you nicer.
Aquarius: / You Washer
Not because the washing machine is also grist, but because with the same seriousness and meticulous approach to any business that is in you "charge". Such meticulousness, multiplied by the power of your nature, can bear only sturdy material, thinner fabric, you can wear out to the skin. Try to contain your head, control sebya- happens everything is clean, and you rinse and rinse. Learn how to choose the right program, on occasion, use a short cycle mode or delicates.
Find below a Zodiac and read!)

Gemini: / You computers
And with the complete bundle: Processor and you clever and clear monitor, keyboard and ergonomic. You accommodates and process complex information when put such a task, but to put it, you need a mouse. Myshki- computer without intrinsic value system, but it is impossible to use it. Myshka- is an approach to the computer. Generally, of course, you can plug in any and somehow use it, but your system faster and more responsive to subtle optical control.

Virgo: / You camcorder
Look carefully at this world, all notice and write, and outputted to analyze digital form. Yes, it's a smart priborchik, but wrong to think that it only captures what is happening. Oh, no! Sensitive camera optics capable of the most wonderful way to transform reality, both for the better and for the worse. There are people who do not like a video camera, and absolutely do not want to shoot beautiful, but there are Other- and they are lucky. If we love one camera, then at least in the two accounts will make a star.

Capricorn: / You refrigerator
Important and profound, a key figure not only in the kitchen, but in the whole house. Have you ever, refrigerator and warms the soul. Unflappable and strong, your mind is hard to guess what you have inside. And then, you know, the grouse with pineapple, then a couple of withered apples, if not empty. In the case of a refrigerator than ever valid philosophical phrase Carlson: "Nothing to see here, here and nothing ever happens if you do not put anything here!».

Leo / vacuum cleaner you
You outshines all the sounds of the world, compared to the rest of you are inaudible and insignificant. Powerful jet of fresh air sweep dust and routine, you can whip up any swamp, paint everything bright colors. You bunch of purposeful energy, and are capable of so much involve in this turbulent cycle, including the fact that you do not need. You have the same enthusiasm for any task you undertake, whether it is the size of a pin and a closet. Learn how not to get upset that you can not draw a cabinet, better think about it: you need it?

Aries: / You irons
From the side it often seems that all you've got is very much smoothly. But once you know what to have to become hot temperature to create the effect of "smooth" slip. Can only envy to the tenacity with which you otutyuzhivaete to the desired state this you deystvitelnost- often crumpled and ugly. But as it is transformed after your intervention, the mountain of crumpled material becomes akkuatnoy freshly ironed stack. This world would be much better if these converters for the better was more!

Cancer: / You stove
Oh, very good cooker. All feed, supply, provide, all bakes about every worry, everything in your home revolves around you. As you all the warmth and sincerity, but sometimes you ask yourself: "What am I bake and bake and live-when?". And here are your own answer: "Plate I, therefore bake share takaya- my whole life" on the farm "Sometimes you start to smoke heavily, and it is a serious challenge for everyone, including you. In fact, things are not so bad, you just extract itself "ought to sit down," and it's not a fad, it is a necessity for you and for others.

Fish: / cell phones you
You as well as the cellular handset, at first vzgyad calm and not bothering anyone, lying somewhere "in the corner", but only as long as you do not start to "call." Switched mode, you pass through a massive amount of information, including excessive, unnecessary. But as you phone, you often can not free to choose with whom to talk. Quite quickly discharged and need to connect to the battery. But you, like cell phones, constantly cultivate and each new stage in your life includes models of the new line.

Scorpio: / You combine
Able to smithereens crumble anything, resistance is futile, because you "too tough" everything except the concrete. You want real power over the world and realize that without the destructive power to achieve it still does not work out. This is the unit of the world: on the path of creating a stage of destruction there, and sozidanie- is the second part of your nature, and the second stage of cooking chopped, planed, twisted combine ingredients.

Sagittarius: / You
TV And not just because you are just like television, radiate warmth and light inside. The main thing you generously share with others all that you have. You give yourself to people. But did not really do good for people, you will not see evil. People may criticize you and considered a source of trouble. You tell them that only reflect the real picture of the world, and in response to hear that everything happens naoborot- world is created in the image of what you are showing. Who is right, who controls whom? Perhaps only you know the truth.

Taurus: / You Kettle
If it was a furniture horoscope, you no doubt would divanom- of security, but you can always rely on. But you tea, do not think bad, we have it sounds good. You, as a samovar, always at the head of the table, everything around you is spinning. Tea all ten times a day you want, and everything to you. Cups all small and empty, and you are a big and full, that fills the void sense, the law of nature, so to speak. Yes, all under cover strive to look, do not realize that the water does not boil before it boils. The idea in general, guileless, but otherwise it is necessary to seven glasses of tea poured before they are smart enough. Of course you do not mind, but the water in the kettle still need time to pour, and the coil will burn.

Libra: / You cassette
Arrow weights boring show banal Number of pounds, much more fun to wander around the frequencies FM- stations. What a huge world lies in your range as feelings, thoughts, and tunes it contains. And it's so hard to choose just one station. And it is necessary to choose, because your throwing between frequencies accompanied by a terrible noise and crackle. On the other hand, it is better for five minutes and then cracked his sluschat good music, which is always handy. You are loved, you brighter and sharper, full of joy and fun rampant, even sad near you nicer.

Aquarius: / You Washer
Not because the washing machine is also grist, but because with the same seriousness and meticulous approach to any business that is in you "charge". Such meticulousness, multiplied by the power of your nature, can bear only sturdy material, thinner fabric, you can wear out to the skin. Try to contain your head, control sebya- happens everything is clean, and you rinse and rinse. Learn how to choose the right program, on occasion, use a short cycle mode or delicates.