The plane landed safely, but when the doors opened, all the passengers were dead

No, this is not a novel by Stephen King, you are about to read. It really happened.
Saudi Airlines Flight 163 took off August 19, 1980 the first year, and soon after takeoff on board the fire broke out. The plane landed safely, but everyone who was on board, unfortunately, died. At the time of landing the plane there were no visible traces of fire. But to a stop ship rolled on the runway as much as two and a half minutes. And when ambulance staff finally got on the plane, it turned out that the whole interior is covered with fire.

An autopsy revealed that the passengers did not die from burns, which means that they all died long before the landing. Apparently, the reason was poisoned by combustion products. On board the plane were 14 crew members and 287 passengers. It was the worst accident in Saudi Arabia and the deadliest incident in which he was involved ship model Lockheed L-1011.
via factroom.ru