Do not talk after the gym
On how influences razgovorchivostFizicheskaya fiznagruzki load or extreme situation makes you more talkative than usual. Chatting during fitness easiest accidentally blurt out a secret, especially if you have been familiar with. So today breynhak is: if you are afraid to say too much - not too actively share information after the good work the pole.
Scientific obyasnenieFizicheskaya load and extreme situations trigger the body's response "fight or flight": increased heart rate, accelerated breathing muscles for better supply of oxygen, blood flow to the extremities and other similar physiological activity of the organism. The brain responds to this state as the threat of danger and mobilize all forces in order to escape from it, or to fight back.
And in particular, it increases the craving to communicate with other members of their species.
The mechanism of this connection is not fully understood, but Jon Berger, Professor of the Wharton School of Business, in a series of experiments has convincingly proved its presence. It can be assumed that the increase of the gab in an emergency saves the life of our ancestors, forcing people to share information about the threat and the experience of overcoming it. Whatever it was - note: fiznagruzki makes you a godsend for a spy. About half an hour after it.
Literature: Jon Berger, "Contagious. Psychology of word of mouth ", 2014
via factroom.ru
Scientific obyasnenieFizicheskaya load and extreme situations trigger the body's response "fight or flight": increased heart rate, accelerated breathing muscles for better supply of oxygen, blood flow to the extremities and other similar physiological activity of the organism. The brain responds to this state as the threat of danger and mobilize all forces in order to escape from it, or to fight back.
And in particular, it increases the craving to communicate with other members of their species.
The mechanism of this connection is not fully understood, but Jon Berger, Professor of the Wharton School of Business, in a series of experiments has convincingly proved its presence. It can be assumed that the increase of the gab in an emergency saves the life of our ancestors, forcing people to share information about the threat and the experience of overcoming it. Whatever it was - note: fiznagruzki makes you a godsend for a spy. About half an hour after it.
Literature: Jon Berger, "Contagious. Psychology of word of mouth ", 2014
via factroom.ru
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