How to clean the refrigerator to the products stay fresh longer. Invaluable tips!
The refrigerator should always maintain cleanliness to food in it could be stored for longer. At this point, germs and bacteria multiply very rapidly and can easily spread to the food. Therefore, the refrigerator should be washed thoroughly and regularly. .cc has prepared for you a few tips that will help you bring order and cleanliness in the refrigerator.
You will need:
kitchen sponges; a soft kitchen towel; baking soda; capacity; the water. 1. Before you begin cleaning, remove from the refrigerator all the products. Next you need to switch it to defrost.
2. When the defrost refrigerator, unplug it from the wall outlet and Get all removable items.
3. The container with warm water and dissolve the soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Soda will not only clean up the fridge, but also get rid of the odor.
4. Rinse with a solution of baking soda all removable items and arrange them on a dry towel to thoroughly dry out they.
5. Inner refrigerator and wash the same mixture. In order not to scratch the surface, use a soft sponge side.
6. After that, pour a solution of baking soda and type in the capacity of clean water. Rinse her refrigerator. Then wipe it with a kitchen towel.
7. Leave the refrigerator open, so that it is well dried out. Then put in place all removable items and set the desired temperature range.
A few tips for cleaning the refrigerator:
1. Before defrosting or cleaning, you need to read the operating instructions of the refrigerator.
2. During transport, before packing the cooler, it must first be thawed and washed.
3. Unpleasant odors in the refrigerator easily eliminated with coffee beans.
With these tips you will be able to maintain perfect cleanliness in your fridge, and the products will be stored there for much longer!
via takprosto cc

You will need:
kitchen sponges; a soft kitchen towel; baking soda; capacity; the water. 1. Before you begin cleaning, remove from the refrigerator all the products. Next you need to switch it to defrost.
2. When the defrost refrigerator, unplug it from the wall outlet and Get all removable items.
3. The container with warm water and dissolve the soda (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Soda will not only clean up the fridge, but also get rid of the odor.
4. Rinse with a solution of baking soda all removable items and arrange them on a dry towel to thoroughly dry out they.
5. Inner refrigerator and wash the same mixture. In order not to scratch the surface, use a soft sponge side.
6. After that, pour a solution of baking soda and type in the capacity of clean water. Rinse her refrigerator. Then wipe it with a kitchen towel.
7. Leave the refrigerator open, so that it is well dried out. Then put in place all removable items and set the desired temperature range.
A few tips for cleaning the refrigerator:
1. Before defrosting or cleaning, you need to read the operating instructions of the refrigerator.
2. During transport, before packing the cooler, it must first be thawed and washed.
3. Unpleasant odors in the refrigerator easily eliminated with coffee beans.
With these tips you will be able to maintain perfect cleanliness in your fridge, and the products will be stored there for much longer!
via takprosto cc
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