Code of the moral foundations of 8 qualities educated person according to Anton Chekhov.
Anton Chekhov - a great figure in world literature. He not only wrote exquisite work, but was also a great man. From childhood shaped the character of the writer, which was a combination of softness and firmness, optimism and goodwill. In his youth he was very demanding of the people, and believe that you can defeat bad manners. Education - this is not the way people greet, eat and drink, it is, in his opinion, completely different, that is based on moral principles. Probably many have heard these quotes Anton Chekhov: «Educated people - is not one who does not spill the sauce on the tablecloth, and he who does not notice that» em> and «A good man is ashamed even to dog » em>. Today we offer you to read excerpts from his letters to his brother in the form of quotes in which he talks about the qualities of educated and intelligent person.
Educated people, according to Chekhov, must possess such qualities: 1. Indulgence, gentleness, politeness, Flexible. «They do not riot over a hammer or missing gum; living with someone, they do not do this favor, and go, do not say you can not live! They forgive the noise, cold and overcooked meat, and severity, and the presence of outsiders in their housing ». Em>
2. Compassion is not to be beggars and cats only. «They get sick and soul of what we do not see with the naked eye». Em>
3. Respect for other people's property. «So they pay the debts». Em>
4. Frank lies and fear like the plague. «Do not lie to them even in trifles. Lies offensive to the listener and debases the speaker in his eyes. They are not drawn, keep themselves in the street as well as at home, do not let dust into the eyes of the Friars Minor. They are not talkative and did not climb to the revelation, when they do not ask. Out of respect for other people's ears, they are often silent ». Em>
5. Do not try to gain sympathy. «They do not play on the strings of other people's souls, that in response to his sighs and nursed them. They do not say: I do not understand! » Em>
6. Not fussy. «They do not take such rhinestones as acquaintance with celebrities, delight in counter Salon'e, known for a tavern». Em>
7. Respect for his talent. «They sacrifice for him peace, women, wine, vanity». Em>
8. Aesthetic. «They can not sleep in the clothes seen on the wall of the slot with bedbugs, cheesy air to breathe, walk on the spit upon the floor eating from kerosene lamps. They may try to tame and ennoble sexual instinct. Em>
Brought same in this respect is not so cuisines. They need a woman is not a bed, do not sweat the horse, not the mind, which is expressed in the ability to cheat and lie to the false pregnancy tirelessly. They, Especially artists need the freshness, elegance, humanity. Em>
They do not crack resembling spirits without sniffing cabinets, because they know that they are not pigs. They drink only when available, on occasion ». Em>
Anton Chekhov believed that if properly educate yourself, you can one morning transformed from a slave to this man.
Share with your friends these qualities educated man. This needs to know every intellectual!
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Educated people, according to Chekhov, must possess such qualities: 1. Indulgence, gentleness, politeness, Flexible. «They do not riot over a hammer or missing gum; living with someone, they do not do this favor, and go, do not say you can not live! They forgive the noise, cold and overcooked meat, and severity, and the presence of outsiders in their housing ». Em>
2. Compassion is not to be beggars and cats only. «They get sick and soul of what we do not see with the naked eye». Em>
3. Respect for other people's property. «So they pay the debts». Em>
4. Frank lies and fear like the plague. «Do not lie to them even in trifles. Lies offensive to the listener and debases the speaker in his eyes. They are not drawn, keep themselves in the street as well as at home, do not let dust into the eyes of the Friars Minor. They are not talkative and did not climb to the revelation, when they do not ask. Out of respect for other people's ears, they are often silent ». Em>
5. Do not try to gain sympathy. «They do not play on the strings of other people's souls, that in response to his sighs and nursed them. They do not say: I do not understand! » Em>
6. Not fussy. «They do not take such rhinestones as acquaintance with celebrities, delight in counter Salon'e, known for a tavern». Em>
7. Respect for his talent. «They sacrifice for him peace, women, wine, vanity». Em>
8. Aesthetic. «They can not sleep in the clothes seen on the wall of the slot with bedbugs, cheesy air to breathe, walk on the spit upon the floor eating from kerosene lamps. They may try to tame and ennoble sexual instinct. Em>
Brought same in this respect is not so cuisines. They need a woman is not a bed, do not sweat the horse, not the mind, which is expressed in the ability to cheat and lie to the false pregnancy tirelessly. They, Especially artists need the freshness, elegance, humanity. Em>
They do not crack resembling spirits without sniffing cabinets, because they know that they are not pigs. They drink only when available, on occasion ». Em>
Anton Chekhov believed that if properly educate yourself, you can one morning transformed from a slave to this man.
Share with your friends these qualities educated man. This needs to know every intellectual!
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