This guy is a genius has equipped the trailer of his car! The idea of its weight in gold ...
This trick is especially appeal to all travelers. Fans ride by car over long distances know the price of space: how it is not enough! To accommodate all the stuff, and very comfortable to stay, you need to choose the car, convenient requisite infrastructure. But what if the car you already have, but its functionality is poor? Only one way out: the reconstruction! The hands you can create a great extra space in the trailer car. You'll need boards, tools, standard bolts and nuts. It is necessary to work to get to gasp in amazement - that's what I understand, spacious and functional wheelbarrow!
1. Frame body, bolted.
2. The frame is very easy to insert and at the same time - it is easy to get. Machine-transformer!
3. To achieve an easy transformation of the trailer guy managed through these parts.
4. The wooden frame is inserted in the manner of a box trailer.
5. It works! Ingenuity some people do not take a ...
6. Deletion box.
7. Place the battery.
8. And another division of the accumulator battery.
9. Lock box.
10. The latches.
11. Another latch to secure the box.
12. Sturdy latches - the key to success.
13. Wood is required to cover the water-based varnish.
14. All of the drawer opened varnish carefully.
15. Castle of sheet iron.
16. battery in place.
17. The power supply to the USB-ports.
18. LED lamps. Krutota!
19. With music a lot more fun, wherever you went!
20. The easy entry and easy out. Box Dream ...
21. box of things, plus the bed! What a surprise ...
This guy deserves praise hymns and enthusiastic exclamations. Get the perfect car for long trips! Looking at this roomy box and a comfortable bed, and would like to travel. A man with such a machine will impress any girl, because this arrangement of space indicates thrift and hard work of man. Yes, and this could come up every ...
Share with your friends this matchless idea! Easier to reconstruct than to buy a new car.
via takprosto cc
1. Frame body, bolted.
2. The frame is very easy to insert and at the same time - it is easy to get. Machine-transformer!
3. To achieve an easy transformation of the trailer guy managed through these parts.
4. The wooden frame is inserted in the manner of a box trailer.
5. It works! Ingenuity some people do not take a ...
6. Deletion box.
7. Place the battery.
8. And another division of the accumulator battery.
9. Lock box.
10. The latches.
11. Another latch to secure the box.
12. Sturdy latches - the key to success.
13. Wood is required to cover the water-based varnish.
14. All of the drawer opened varnish carefully.
15. Castle of sheet iron.
16. battery in place.
17. The power supply to the USB-ports.
18. LED lamps. Krutota!
19. With music a lot more fun, wherever you went!
20. The easy entry and easy out. Box Dream ...
21. box of things, plus the bed! What a surprise ...
This guy deserves praise hymns and enthusiastic exclamations. Get the perfect car for long trips! Looking at this roomy box and a comfortable bed, and would like to travel. A man with such a machine will impress any girl, because this arrangement of space indicates thrift and hard work of man. Yes, and this could come up every ...
Share with your friends this matchless idea! Easier to reconstruct than to buy a new car.
via takprosto cc
It is easy to clean the grille cooker. The Council, after which it will be as good as new!
The healing properties of birch sap to learn about which you will only drink this drink!