Dog Romeo and Juliet duck: these animals are not destined to be together, but that did not stop them.
What is real friendship? Ask this dog and ducks. For the past 4 years they were inseparable in the streets of Paris. Residents of the city have become accustomed to this couple, but visitors still wonder how such a thing possible? A dog and a duck, meanwhile, do not pay attention to the envy and continue to spend time together. Admit it, it's amazing attitude!
Photo: Reddit
Photo: Imgur
Photo: Travel Tweeter
What you did not see in this world ?! For dog and a duck friends. Share this rather unusual story with others.
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Photo: Reddit

Photo: Imgur

Photo: Travel Tweeter
What you did not see in this world ?! For dog and a duck friends. Share this rather unusual story with others.
via ofigenno cc
Let us not grieve, remember his funny moments ... Excellent debut of Robin Williams in the TV show.
She is only 17 years old, but she already is facing a difficult choice: to die or live. She chooses death.