This profound parable makes you think about your life. Wise words!
There is a legend, according to which each person is one God. And at this moment it is important to watch out for their happiness and do what you ask God. After all, renouncing it, you can live a whole life unhappy.
He lived on earth people. He had three dreams: to have a paid job, marry the beauty and famous throughout the world. I>
One frosty winter man in a hurry for an interview with well-known firms. Suddenly, right in front of him he fell elderly man. The man looked at the fallen in the head the idea that the most likely drunk and did not shake hands. It helped not to be late for a scheduled meeting. But the interview was unsuccessful: the person did not take on the coveted position. I>
One man was walking on a summer evening in the city. Noticing the troupe of street performers, he paused to enjoy the spectacle. The audience was a little, but the play was fun and exciting. After the expiry of applause, and the people began to disperse. Our man also was turned back, but someone timidly touched his shoulder. This was the main character of the play, the old woman-clown. She began to question him about whether he liked the performance, whether it is satisfied with the actors. But the man did not want to carry on a conversation, and turned away in disgust, went home. I>
One rainy evening a man hurrying home from a friend's birthday. He was very tired, and his head flashed the thought of fragrant bath and a cozy warm bed. Suddenly he heard someone's muffled sob. It is crying woman. She sat on a bench near the house of man. Without an umbrella. One. Seeing our hero, she turned to him for help. She had an accident in the family. And she needed a spiritual source. The man lost in thought, his eyes appeared before the bath and the bed, and he hurried to the entrance. I>
The man has lived an unhappy life. And he died. I>
gone to heaven, the man met his friend, Guardian Angel. i>
- You know, I spent quite miserable and worthless life. I had three dreams, but nothing came to pass. Sorry ... i>
- My friend, I have done everything to make all your dreams come true, but for that I need from you was only: your hand, your eyes and your heart. i>
- And what? i>
- Do you remember the fallen man on slippery winter roads? I'm going to show you this picture ... That man was the CEO of the company in which you are so anxious to get there. You waited a dizzying career. All that was required of you - your hand. I>
Do you remember the old clown who after street performance stuck to you with questions? It was a beautiful young actress, who fell in love with you at first sight. You waited for the happy future of the children, undying love. All that was required of you - your eyes. I>
Do you remember the weeping woman near your porch? It was a rainy night, and it is thoroughly wet with tears ... It was a well-known writer. She was going through a family crisis, and she really needed the emotional support. If you help her warm up in his apartment, warm soul thanks to your wise words of consolation, she would write a book which would tell about the case. The book became known to the whole world, and you would become famous as the author on the front page would indicate the name of the one who became the muse of this piece. And all that was required of you then - your heart. You were not paying attention, my friend. I>
The man sighed and walked on the moon in the starry expanse track ... i>
Always listen to your inner voice, it will tell you what to do. And never refuse to help the needy. Like history? Gone it with your friends!
via ofigenno cc
He lived on earth people. He had three dreams: to have a paid job, marry the beauty and famous throughout the world. I>
One frosty winter man in a hurry for an interview with well-known firms. Suddenly, right in front of him he fell elderly man. The man looked at the fallen in the head the idea that the most likely drunk and did not shake hands. It helped not to be late for a scheduled meeting. But the interview was unsuccessful: the person did not take on the coveted position. I>
One man was walking on a summer evening in the city. Noticing the troupe of street performers, he paused to enjoy the spectacle. The audience was a little, but the play was fun and exciting. After the expiry of applause, and the people began to disperse. Our man also was turned back, but someone timidly touched his shoulder. This was the main character of the play, the old woman-clown. She began to question him about whether he liked the performance, whether it is satisfied with the actors. But the man did not want to carry on a conversation, and turned away in disgust, went home. I>
One rainy evening a man hurrying home from a friend's birthday. He was very tired, and his head flashed the thought of fragrant bath and a cozy warm bed. Suddenly he heard someone's muffled sob. It is crying woman. She sat on a bench near the house of man. Without an umbrella. One. Seeing our hero, she turned to him for help. She had an accident in the family. And she needed a spiritual source. The man lost in thought, his eyes appeared before the bath and the bed, and he hurried to the entrance. I>
The man has lived an unhappy life. And he died. I>
gone to heaven, the man met his friend, Guardian Angel. i>
- You know, I spent quite miserable and worthless life. I had three dreams, but nothing came to pass. Sorry ... i>
- My friend, I have done everything to make all your dreams come true, but for that I need from you was only: your hand, your eyes and your heart. i>
- And what? i>
- Do you remember the fallen man on slippery winter roads? I'm going to show you this picture ... That man was the CEO of the company in which you are so anxious to get there. You waited a dizzying career. All that was required of you - your hand. I>
Do you remember the old clown who after street performance stuck to you with questions? It was a beautiful young actress, who fell in love with you at first sight. You waited for the happy future of the children, undying love. All that was required of you - your eyes. I>
Do you remember the weeping woman near your porch? It was a rainy night, and it is thoroughly wet with tears ... It was a well-known writer. She was going through a family crisis, and she really needed the emotional support. If you help her warm up in his apartment, warm soul thanks to your wise words of consolation, she would write a book which would tell about the case. The book became known to the whole world, and you would become famous as the author on the front page would indicate the name of the one who became the muse of this piece. And all that was required of you then - your heart. You were not paying attention, my friend. I>
The man sighed and walked on the moon in the starry expanse track ... i>
Always listen to your inner voice, it will tell you what to do. And never refuse to help the needy. Like history? Gone it with your friends!
via ofigenno cc
The jury did not believe his ears when he heard the girl's statement. Even I thought that the track ...
About the sunken Titanic, everyone knows. But if you heard ever about this?