In this supposedly advanced countries, there is no central heating. Look no Freeze!
What if we tell you that in some Eurasian countries still do not have central heating? Immediately I thought of the poor countries with underdeveloped infrastructure? Certainly not! These are the UK, Germany, France, Finland and Japan.
Surprisingly, the first in the list of countries without central heating is UK
The constant rise in prices for utilities often provoke mass protests, because the heat in the house is not affordable for everyone. According to recent reports in the UK each year from hypothermia kills about 27 thousand people.
In cold weather, the British are trying to follow the temperature in 16-18 degrees, this temperature is considered to be comfortable for the body and does not cause additional risk.
Heating - individual care population Japan
Its modern Japanese homes are heated mainly using air conditioners with split-system, as well as use various types of heaters. Another very popular warm pajamas with a special fiber. which helps retain heat longer, and, of course, Japan would not be Japan if its residents did not use advanced technology for heating - electric blankets.
From the depths of time until today I have reached the traditional heating element - kotatsu, which probably is in every Japanese house, albeit now in a modified form and with a different name. What it is? Set the heater under the table top, and you get a kind of "warm table».
And the way of tradition. Kotatsu - a traditional gathering place for the whole family, emphasizing the continuity of generations and family values of Japanese society. And let today kotatsu often used for desktop or gaming, imagine a traditional family dinner without it is simply impossible.
The next country on our list is Germany
The owners of private homes are increasingly using alternative sources of heating: wood and wood waste, biomass, solar panels and heat pumps. Such an initiative is widely encouraged by the government in the form of compensation for equipment costs. But this is not the only reason to abandon gas heating. Solar panels, for example, provide the holder of the stock of energy that can be spent not only for heating premises, but also to many other household needs.
In the France There are two types of gas heating: total buildings (apartment buildings) and individual. Also growing in popularity gaining electric heaters, the use of which is included in the total electricity bill.
Like other European countries, the French government encourages the use of alternative heat sources, as well as thermal insulation of premises, compensating for 25-50% of the cost of equipment. It is worth noting, and new requirements for the thermal insulation of buildings, introduced in 2008. Homes that do not meet them, do not take into operation.
Of particular interest is heating to Finland
Suomi learned how to use the environment for their own purposes, without causing her any harm in this case, and installed in their homes heat pumps. Although the installation of the equipment is expensive and soon covered all the costs and help save well.
The heat pump works according to the principle of the refrigerator, the inside-out. Using cold air from outside the unit heats the room by circulating and produce 2-5 kW of heat at a cost of 1 kW.
As you can see, in the economically developed countries it is not so smooth as it might seem at first glance, but the warmth and comfort - pleasure, not available to everyone. Share this information with others, even if he learns something new!
via ofigenno ru
Surprisingly, the first in the list of countries without central heating is UK

The constant rise in prices for utilities often provoke mass protests, because the heat in the house is not affordable for everyone. According to recent reports in the UK each year from hypothermia kills about 27 thousand people.

In cold weather, the British are trying to follow the temperature in 16-18 degrees, this temperature is considered to be comfortable for the body and does not cause additional risk.

Heating - individual care population Japan

Its modern Japanese homes are heated mainly using air conditioners with split-system, as well as use various types of heaters. Another very popular warm pajamas with a special fiber. which helps retain heat longer, and, of course, Japan would not be Japan if its residents did not use advanced technology for heating - electric blankets.

From the depths of time until today I have reached the traditional heating element - kotatsu, which probably is in every Japanese house, albeit now in a modified form and with a different name. What it is? Set the heater under the table top, and you get a kind of "warm table».

And the way of tradition. Kotatsu - a traditional gathering place for the whole family, emphasizing the continuity of generations and family values of Japanese society. And let today kotatsu often used for desktop or gaming, imagine a traditional family dinner without it is simply impossible.

The next country on our list is Germany

The owners of private homes are increasingly using alternative sources of heating: wood and wood waste, biomass, solar panels and heat pumps. Such an initiative is widely encouraged by the government in the form of compensation for equipment costs. But this is not the only reason to abandon gas heating. Solar panels, for example, provide the holder of the stock of energy that can be spent not only for heating premises, but also to many other household needs.

In the France There are two types of gas heating: total buildings (apartment buildings) and individual. Also growing in popularity gaining electric heaters, the use of which is included in the total electricity bill.

Like other European countries, the French government encourages the use of alternative heat sources, as well as thermal insulation of premises, compensating for 25-50% of the cost of equipment. It is worth noting, and new requirements for the thermal insulation of buildings, introduced in 2008. Homes that do not meet them, do not take into operation.

Of particular interest is heating to Finland

Suomi learned how to use the environment for their own purposes, without causing her any harm in this case, and installed in their homes heat pumps. Although the installation of the equipment is expensive and soon covered all the costs and help save well.

The heat pump works according to the principle of the refrigerator, the inside-out. Using cold air from outside the unit heats the room by circulating and produce 2-5 kW of heat at a cost of 1 kW.

As you can see, in the economically developed countries it is not so smooth as it might seem at first glance, but the warmth and comfort - pleasure, not available to everyone. Share this information with others, even if he learns something new!
via ofigenno ru
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