It's not brilliant green and Photoshop! You will not believe how this cat has got a color ...
This - not Photoshop, this is - a real green cat who roams the streets of Varna, Bulgaria. People who are seriously interested in unusual color animal hair, decided to try to find out what is his secret.
First guess was the idea that someone is cruel fun of the poor cat, and painted it green. Residents of the city have even created a community on Facebook, with which tried to find the attackers. But in fact, as it turned out, in this puzzle was nothing criminal - just like a cat sleeping on a pile of green paint powder at a local garage.
This mystical green cat wanders the streets of Varna.
At first, everyone thought that was the victim of a stray wicked jokes.
It is a Facebook community created in order to find the villains.
But the truth was not so sinister.
The cat sleeping on a bag with a green powder.
It seems that the cat does not have anything against the new colors.
Of course, the paint can harm the health of the animal, but no one has not yet been able to catch him to clean up the paint.
If you still think that without Photoshop there has not been - that video, which clearly shows what it looks like green cat.
Oh, those animals! Vlezut somewhere, and then one to her are not allowed, not realizing that they are trying to help. In any case, the unusual color, it seems, does not interfere with any animals or his friends. Therefore, it is hoped that the green cat will be all right.
First guess was the idea that someone is cruel fun of the poor cat, and painted it green. Residents of the city have even created a community on Facebook, with which tried to find the attackers. But in fact, as it turned out, in this puzzle was nothing criminal - just like a cat sleeping on a pile of green paint powder at a local garage.
This mystical green cat wanders the streets of Varna.

At first, everyone thought that was the victim of a stray wicked jokes.

It is a Facebook community created in order to find the villains.

But the truth was not so sinister.

The cat sleeping on a bag with a green powder.

It seems that the cat does not have anything against the new colors.

Of course, the paint can harm the health of the animal, but no one has not yet been able to catch him to clean up the paint.

If you still think that without Photoshop there has not been - that video, which clearly shows what it looks like green cat.
Oh, those animals! Vlezut somewhere, and then one to her are not allowed, not realizing that they are trying to help. In any case, the unusual color, it seems, does not interfere with any animals or his friends. Therefore, it is hoped that the green cat will be all right.
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