New Year's - expectation and reality. And do not say never with such did not face!
With the arrival of winter, all we are waiting for the New Year - a wonderful bright holiday, which many people associate with miracles and fulfillment of desires. We are starting to prepare and plan everything in advance in the hope that this new year will be special. Alas, our desires do not always coincide with our opportunities and the real state of affairs. This collection of photos is a clear proof of that.
1. New Year's party
2. Festive cakes
3. Paper snowflakes
4. You after midnight
5. Festive decorations
6. Creative Christmas costumes
7. Pets New Year
8. Christmas tree
9. I decided to walk the cat in the morning
10. Decoration of the city
11. Masquerade
12. Holiday gifts
13. Winter vacation
14. The morning after the celebration
15. Christmas tree in the main town square
Surely almost every situation you are familiar with. Somehow, it always turns out: you expect one thing and goes quite another. But despair should not be in any case, after all this - our life.
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1. New Year's party

2. Festive cakes

3. Paper snowflakes

4. You after midnight

5. Festive decorations

6. Creative Christmas costumes

7. Pets New Year

8. Christmas tree

9. I decided to walk the cat in the morning

10. Decoration of the city
11. Masquerade

12. Holiday gifts

13. Winter vacation

14. The morning after the celebration

15. Christmas tree in the main town square

Surely almost every situation you are familiar with. Somehow, it always turns out: you expect one thing and goes quite another. But despair should not be in any case, after all this - our life.
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