An excerpt from the famous speech Brodsky University of Michigan ... 10 Tips out of space and time!
Joseph Brodsky - one of the most talented Russian poets of the twentieth century, who fell in love with the whole world. Brodsky was forced to leave the Soviet Union 4 June 1972, but the master of the word still remains for many a symbol of freedom and unsurpassed talent. The poems of Joseph Brodsky - a kind of manifesto, and the spokesman of the thoughts of many generations. His works are still relevant today. They are offset not only the Doctor of Philology aesthetes and intellectuals, but today's young people.
His creative poet skillfully combined with essays, translations and teaching. Sometimes pedagogical activity even fascinated Brodsky and was sometimes a burden to him, but he always treated his work conscientiously. Today Editorial infotainment site publishes excerpts from the famous scandalous speech of Joseph Brodsky, he said in December 1988, the graduates of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Following the presentation on the stadium Brodsky even accused of racism and politically incorrect, although the text of this and there is no trace. These words are sobering and sink right in the heart.
10 This wise advice of Joseph Brodsky outside space and time.
1. Try to expand your vocabulary, and to treat him the way you handle your bank account. B> Give him a lot of attention and try to increase their dividends. The purpose here is not to promote your eloquence in the bedroom or professional success - although later it possible - and not to turn you into a secular clever. The aim is to give you the opportunity to express themselves as much as possible and more accurately.
Emotion, shades, thoughts, perceptions, which remain unnamed, unspoken and not content Approximately formulations accumulate within the individual and can lead to an explosion or psychological breakdown. To avoid this, do not necessarily turn into a bookworm. You just have to buy a dictionary and read it every day, and sometimes - and a book of poems. They are cheap enough, but even the most expensive among them are much smaller than a single visit to a psychiatrist.
2. The world is not perfect. Golden Age never was and never will. B> The only thing that will happen to the world: it will be more, that is crowded, not increasing in size. No matter how fair the man you have chosen, nor promised to share the cake, it does not grow in size; portions necessarily become smaller. In light of this, or rather in the dark, you have to rely on their own home cooking, that is to rule the world on their own, at least that part of it that is available to you and is within your reach.
3. If you want to become rich or famous or both that and another, in a good hour, but not to give it entirely. B> Crave something that is someone else, it means the loss of its uniqueness; On the other hand, it is, of course, encourages mass production.
4. Try not to rely too much on politicians - is not so much because they are unintelligent or dishonest as often happens, but because of the scale of their work, which is too large for even the best among them. They can at best reduce some social evil, but not eliminate it. Whatever may be significant improvement, from an ethical point of view, it will always be negligible, because it will always be those, at least one person - who does not receive benefits from this improvement.
5. Try to be humble. B> Even now we have too much, and very soon there will be many more. This scramble for a place under the sun certainly is due to others who will not climb. The fact that you have to step on someone's foot, does not mean that you have to stand on their shoulders. Besides all that you will see from this point - human sea, plus those who, like you took a similar position - visible, but it is very unreliable: those who are called rich and famous.
6. In general, try to respect the life, not only for its charms, but also for its difficulty. B> They are part of the game, and the good in them is that they are not cheating. Whenever you are desperate and on the verge of despair, when you have trouble or difficulty, remember: this is the life speaks to you in the only language she knows well.
7. Do everything to avoid to ascribe to themselves the status of the victim. B> No matter how disgusting or was your position, try not to blame external forces: history, state, bosses, race, parents, phase of the moon, childhood, late landing on the pot and so on. The moment you put the blame on something, you undermine your own determination to change something.
8. The world in which you are going to start, does not have a good reputation. B> It is not a nice place, as you will soon discover, and I doubt that it would be much nicer to the time when you leave. However, this is the only world available: there is no alternative, and if it existed, there is no guarantee that it would be much better than this.
9. What do your enemies, acquires its significance or importance of how you react to it. B> So will rush through or past them as if they were yellow, not red. So you will save your brain cells from useless; so maybe you can even save these fools of themselves, because the prospect of being forgotten shorter than the prospect of being forgiven. Switch the channel you can not stop the broadcast of the network, but the best you can at least reduce its rating. This decision is unlikely to enjoy the angels, but it is certainly a blow to the demons, and at the moment the most important thing.
10. Try not to pay attention to those who try to make your life miserable. B> There will be a lot - both in an official capacity, and self-appointed. Bear with them, if you can not avoid them, but as soon as you get rid of them, forget about them immediately.
What a fine all noticed! These wise sayings would be nice to print and hang it on a desk. Your friends can not pass up. Share with them that famous speech!
via ofigenno ru
His creative poet skillfully combined with essays, translations and teaching. Sometimes pedagogical activity even fascinated Brodsky and was sometimes a burden to him, but he always treated his work conscientiously. Today Editorial infotainment site publishes excerpts from the famous scandalous speech of Joseph Brodsky, he said in December 1988, the graduates of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Following the presentation on the stadium Brodsky even accused of racism and politically incorrect, although the text of this and there is no trace. These words are sobering and sink right in the heart.
10 This wise advice of Joseph Brodsky outside space and time.
1. Try to expand your vocabulary, and to treat him the way you handle your bank account. B> Give him a lot of attention and try to increase their dividends. The purpose here is not to promote your eloquence in the bedroom or professional success - although later it possible - and not to turn you into a secular clever. The aim is to give you the opportunity to express themselves as much as possible and more accurately.
Emotion, shades, thoughts, perceptions, which remain unnamed, unspoken and not content Approximately formulations accumulate within the individual and can lead to an explosion or psychological breakdown. To avoid this, do not necessarily turn into a bookworm. You just have to buy a dictionary and read it every day, and sometimes - and a book of poems. They are cheap enough, but even the most expensive among them are much smaller than a single visit to a psychiatrist.

2. The world is not perfect. Golden Age never was and never will. B> The only thing that will happen to the world: it will be more, that is crowded, not increasing in size. No matter how fair the man you have chosen, nor promised to share the cake, it does not grow in size; portions necessarily become smaller. In light of this, or rather in the dark, you have to rely on their own home cooking, that is to rule the world on their own, at least that part of it that is available to you and is within your reach.
3. If you want to become rich or famous or both that and another, in a good hour, but not to give it entirely. B> Crave something that is someone else, it means the loss of its uniqueness; On the other hand, it is, of course, encourages mass production.
4. Try not to rely too much on politicians - is not so much because they are unintelligent or dishonest as often happens, but because of the scale of their work, which is too large for even the best among them. They can at best reduce some social evil, but not eliminate it. Whatever may be significant improvement, from an ethical point of view, it will always be negligible, because it will always be those, at least one person - who does not receive benefits from this improvement.
5. Try to be humble. B> Even now we have too much, and very soon there will be many more. This scramble for a place under the sun certainly is due to others who will not climb. The fact that you have to step on someone's foot, does not mean that you have to stand on their shoulders. Besides all that you will see from this point - human sea, plus those who, like you took a similar position - visible, but it is very unreliable: those who are called rich and famous.
6. In general, try to respect the life, not only for its charms, but also for its difficulty. B> They are part of the game, and the good in them is that they are not cheating. Whenever you are desperate and on the verge of despair, when you have trouble or difficulty, remember: this is the life speaks to you in the only language she knows well.
7. Do everything to avoid to ascribe to themselves the status of the victim. B> No matter how disgusting or was your position, try not to blame external forces: history, state, bosses, race, parents, phase of the moon, childhood, late landing on the pot and so on. The moment you put the blame on something, you undermine your own determination to change something.
8. The world in which you are going to start, does not have a good reputation. B> It is not a nice place, as you will soon discover, and I doubt that it would be much nicer to the time when you leave. However, this is the only world available: there is no alternative, and if it existed, there is no guarantee that it would be much better than this.

9. What do your enemies, acquires its significance or importance of how you react to it. B> So will rush through or past them as if they were yellow, not red. So you will save your brain cells from useless; so maybe you can even save these fools of themselves, because the prospect of being forgotten shorter than the prospect of being forgiven. Switch the channel you can not stop the broadcast of the network, but the best you can at least reduce its rating. This decision is unlikely to enjoy the angels, but it is certainly a blow to the demons, and at the moment the most important thing.
10. Try not to pay attention to those who try to make your life miserable. B> There will be a lot - both in an official capacity, and self-appointed. Bear with them, if you can not avoid them, but as soon as you get rid of them, forget about them immediately.
What a fine all noticed! These wise sayings would be nice to print and hang it on a desk. Your friends can not pass up. Share with them that famous speech!
via ofigenno ru
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