Six Commandments of Joseph Brodsky

«Do everything to avoid to ascribe to themselves the status of the victim». Website publishes an excerpt from the famous speech of Joseph Brodsky, he said at the stadium in December 1988, the graduates of the University of Michigan . Then critics considered it "inappropriate", "politically incorrect", and someone managed to see in it, even racism. But Brodsky - is prejudice, time and space.
1. Focus on the accuracy of your language
The aim is to give you the opportunity to express themselves as much as possible and more accurately. In short, the goal - to your balance. For accumulation nevygovorennogo, unspoken properly can lead to neurosis.
To avoid this, do not necessarily turn into a bookworm. You just have to buy a dictionary and read it every day, and sometimes - and a book of poems. They are cheap enough, but even the most expensive among them are much smaller than a single visit to a psychiatrist.
2. Try to be good to his parents. If this sounds too much like "Honour thy father and thy mother," I beg your pardon. I just want to say: do not try to rebel against them, since, in all likelihood, they will die before you, so that you can save yourself at least this source of guilt, if not grief.
If you need to rebel with all these "I-don't-take-you-have-no-penny" rebellion against those who are not so easily vulnerable. Parents - too close to the target (the same, however, as brothers, sisters, wives or husbands). The distance is such that you can not miss.
3. Try not to rely too much on politicians. Not so much because they are unintelligent or dishonest as often happens, but because of the scale of their work, which is too large for even the best among them. They can reduce some social evil, but not eliminate it. Whatever may be significant improvement, from an ethical point of view, it will always be negligible, because it will always be those - at least one person - who does not receive benefits from this improvement.
The world is not perfect. Golden Age has never been and never will. In light of this - or rather, in the dark - you have to rely on their own home cooking, that is to rule the world alone. But even within your own cake you should prepare for the fact that you probably have enjoyed equally and gratitude, and frustration.

4. Try to be humble. Even now we have too many - and very soon there will be many more. This scramble for a place under the sun certainly is due to the other. The fact that you have to step on someone's foot, does not mean that you have to stand on their shoulders. So, if you want to become rich, or famous, or both, and others - good luck, but not to give it entirely.
Always remember that next to you is always someone there - neighbor. Nobody wants you to love it, but try not to bother him too much, and do not hurt him. At the very least, try to remember from some far - from the stars, from the depths of the universe, possibly from the opposite end - come, please do not do this, as well as the idea is to love your neighbor as yourself.
5. Do everything to avoid to ascribe to themselves the status of the victim. No matter how disgusting your situation may be, try not to blame external forces: history, state, bosses, race, parents, phase of the moon, childhood, late landing on the pot - the menu extensive and tedious.
The moment you put the blame on something, you undermine your own determination to change something irresponsibility and increases the vacuum, which is so fond of filling demons and demagogues, for paralyzed the will - no joy for the angels.
In general, try to respect life, not only for its charms, but also for its difficulties. They are part of the game, and are good in that they are not cheating. Whenever you are desperate and on the verge of despair, when you have trouble or difficulty, remember: this is the life speaks to you on a single well-known to her language.
6. Learn to forgive. The world in which we take, does not have a good reputation. This is not a nice place, as you will soon discover, and I doubt that it would be much nicer to the time when you leave.
However, this is the only world available: there is no alternative, and if it existed, there is no guarantee that it would be much better than this. So try not to pay attention to those who try to make your life miserable. There will be a lot - both in an official capacity, and self-appointed.
What do your enemies, acquires its value or importance on how you respond. Therefore, will rush through or past them as if they were yellow rather than red light. So you will save your brain cells from needless excitement. Switch the channel you can not stop the broadcast of the network, but the best you can at least reduce its rating.
Anyone who loves Brodsky, our post adoration: « Genius loneliness Joseph Brodsky »
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