The structure of the tail seahorse will help develop new robotic armor and grippers

Международная a team of researchers published a work on the study of the tail seahorse. This unexpected object for the study was very interesting - its structure can help create an improved armor and at the same time - improved robotic grippers. It's all in the structure of the tail - it consists of a square, not round, segments.
Michael Porter, the assistant professor of the University Klemsonovskogo, пояснил interest Seahorses : «Almost all the animals tail has a circular or oval cross-section - but not in the seahorse. We wondered why it was. We found that this structure provides the best protection and the best opportunity to take possession of objects ».
The design, inspired by the seahorse (clickable) i>
In addition, it was found that the tail of the structure at the same time get tougher, stronger and stronger tension. As Porter says, usually gain any of the three characteristics weakens one or two others. But not in this case. After all, the square plates have only one degree of freedom of movement - along the tail. They do not twist as round, so can withstand heavy loads.
In order not to torment seahorses for their research scientists have printed simplified model of "tails" the 3D-printer, and then attach them to the various efforts. The study was based on previous work Porter in collaboration with Dominique Adrianosom, a professor of evolutionary biology, and other scientists. Michael tries to use the synthesis of biology and engineering, how to explain the features of living organisms, and create on their basis of the useful device for people.
Square segments allow the tail acts as a grip to hold items while creating more common ground - and on the unwinding of spending less energy. Shape segments and the ability to slide relative to each other gives the design ability to absorb energy, making it a good basis for the reservation.
Sea horse tail usually composed of square segments 36, each of which is composed of four L-shaped plates, gradually diminishing towards the end of the tail. Segments can rotate relative to each other or move along the tail. The joints have the shape of ball joints, due to which they have three degrees of freedom.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/253062/