Frank VIDEO girl with a problem skin became a hit YouTube
Em Ford withdrew candid video, whose purpose - to demonstrate how social networks influence people's minds.
Beautician Em Ford removed the video, which has demonstrated a fierce reaction photoblog its subscribers, which is a reflection of the whole of society as a whole. Video Um, published on YouTube on July 1, viewed more than 1, 5 million raz.Ford decided to conduct a social experiment. Girl suffering from acne (inflammatory skin disease), has decided to be honest with herself and society and themselves, and began to publish images before and after applying makeup, which are clearly visible all the flaws it kozhi.Za three months of such publications received about 100 GM thousands cruel comments in which people allow themselves to such statements as: "I can not look at it", "What's wrong with her face?" "Her face looks disgusting," "Did she ever washes?». GM showed how a strong influence on the perception of itself has the opinions of others, and in some cases the criticism of outsiders could be fatal for a person with a fragile psyche. "One of the major problems that many face today, is that we pursue perfection, adjusting their appearance under the standards of beauty. In this pursuit many people forget a very important thing - you are beautiful in themselves, "- says Em.Devushka confident that its project will help many young people who suffer from the fact that their appearance is far from ideal." I spent many years in pursuit for perfection. And you know what I found? Empty shell when I see my reflection in the mirror. Do not hunt for perfection, you will never reach. Focus on being the best version of yourself. how it is in your power, "- wrote Ford under one of his last blog photoblog.
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