NASA will consult with the public on the possible locations of people landing on Mars

The agency NASA is trying to constantly interact with the public. To this end, the agency publishes scientific and popular articles, upload photos, taken by spacecraft, conducts surveys on those or other issues. For example, is still relevant questionnaire about the nature of the bright spots of Ceres. In addition, NASA is now accepts proposals from about a possible landing humans on Mars.
After collecting all the suggestions NASA will announce them at the forthcoming meeting in October. From time to time the agency conducts such meetings, and one of them will be held this summer about a possible landing place next rover, which is scheduled to land on the Red Planet in 2020.
The proposal, which will take NASA, should not be any, there is a certain number of criteria that it must meet. Perfect landing zone should combine several characteristics, including the importance of the region for science, plus a certain amount of resources to support people who arrived for example, water ice).
The proposals adopted today will be discussed, and the agency will select the best. Then, the proposed site will be checked using the automatic stations. It is worth noting that sending humans to Mars will take place no earlier than 2030, if at all, will be held. Who is against this mission serves a number of experts, believing that Mars is too dangerous. However, the probability of execution of such a mission is still quite high.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/252570/
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