Land Rover made a prototype car with a remote control from your smartphone

Many remember / f «Tomorrow never dies» 1997, where James Bond drove BMW 7-Coy with the remote control built into its multifunctional mobile phone Ericsson. Many since then have dreamed of this remote for your car. Many, of course, just dreaming of the BMW 7-series, but it's not about that.

After 18 years of dreams turn into reality. British car maker Jaguar Land Rover is planning to build in the next model of the Land Rover possibility of partial driving smartphone. She will not be able to travel as fast as the wheel, and it will not be self-guided missiles and a smokescreen, like Bond. But you can drive a car, standing next to him.

Where it can be useful? The company sees two options for the application. Firstly, the SUV driver, climbing on the roads, are often faced with difficult situations in which to maneuver very facilitated if one person is on the outside and the driver's commands. If you're in the car alone, you would be very helpful opportunity to leave the car and steer it remotely.

The second option is more prosaic, but also useful. If you are in the parking lot squeezed from two sides so much that you can not even open the door - you can always neat pass back or forward using a smartphone. Or get out of the car specifically to park in a narrow "schelochku." Although why the city to ride a giant off-road, barely breaks into the parking lot - it is a topic for another discussion.
Land Rover is trying to equip their cars as soon as possible a large number of electronic innovation. The company has already announced about the concept & quot; transparent hood & quot ;, working with special cameras. Also recently cars Jaguar Land Rover received recognition system road pits .
Jump from the radio-controlled models to full-size cars dream of many.
In 2009, the German electronics rebuilt car for remote control with iPhone .
A two-enthusiast Chinese in 2010 without too much pathos and using very small alterations to equip its BWM remote control from your smartphone.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/252178/
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